The Marshall News Messenger from Marshall, Texas (2024)

NATIONNEWS (Gb News Messenger THURSDAY. MAY 25. 1995 FBI raids aimed at aiito accident inratid syndicates! more than $500,000. Portsmouth, Ohio, 28 of 31 pecS pie charged with staging accw dents, arson and theft have pleaded guilty. In Florence, S.C., investigator! found participants in the schemeS paying a doctor to keep them ifl a hospital.

In New Orleans, polic officers were discovered provid ing false accident reports, the FBI said. i Little Rock; Los Angeles; Miami; New Orleans; Philadelphia; Phoenix; Richmond; Sacramento; San' Antonio; San Francisco; Seattle; Washington and Portland, Freeh said. Even smaller cities have seen significant operations. In Fargo, N.D., 27 people, mostly students, have been charged with traveling to Los Angeles to stage accidents that resulted in 13 insurance companies being defrauded of $70 billion a year in health care fraud and illustrate the subversion of the American health care system by unscrupulous medical providers and their partners in crime," Freeh said. Significant staged accident problems have been uncovered in Atlanta; Baltimore; Boston; Chicago; Cincinnati; Cleveland; Denver; Columbia, S.C.; Houston, Indianapolis; Jackson, and conducted 22 undercover operations in the case.

"Every American household is burdened with more than $200 annually in additional insurance premiums to make up for this type of fraud," said FBI Director Louis Freeh. "Staged automobile accidents are a major contributor to the more than $20 billion a year prop-, erty and casualty insurance fraud problem out of an estimated WASHINGTON (AP) FBI agents conducted arrest and Search raids in 31 states Wednesday as part of a 1 '2-year-old investigation aimed at breaking up syndicates that stage automobile accidents and defraud health insurers. Agents began arresting 126 people and were searching 22 locations. Some of the 126 were hamed in indictments returned Wednesday; others were the sub ject of criminal complaints filed by the bureau. Dubbed Operation Sudden Impact, the investigation began in November 1993, when the FBI learned that staged auto accidents were a significant crime problem throughout the United States.

In earlier stages of the investigation, 328 people were arrested or indicted and 273 of them have pleaded or been found guilty. FBL agents have used wiretaps lj udgejhretens to ban defense witness -2 Jobless claims surge to highest level in months! I EXPERT WITNESS California State Department of Justice criminalist Renee Montgomery examines DNA gell evidence during cross-examination by defense attorney Robert Blasier during the O.J. Simpson double-murder trial Wednesday. (PhotoAP). used during testimony by Lw Angeles police criminalist Collin Yamauchi.

Defense attorney Barry Scheck" claimed one chart, tided "PCR-DNA Typing Los Angeles Police Department," was untrue. "I don't know what to say, your honor. Should we have, like, amplicons marching around there?" prosecutor Rockne Harmon responded. Ito countered, "Mr. Harmon as much as I enjoy your style, I don't know if you were watching the jury, but when you asked the question, 'Can amplicons suddenly turn did you see the look on the jurors' faces when you said that?" "You know, I'm old enough to appreciate what I do.

And I appreciate your ooservation, your honor, and I understand Har mon said. Yamauchi took the stand later, detailing for the jury his training and credentials. Earlier, state Department of Justice criminalist Renee Montgomery concluded her second day of testimony. package for omy is in and optimistic accounts of a recovery are misleading. "The financial alchemy is concealing a massive hole in Mexico's banking system," he said.

Economists, business leaders, "members of Mexico's political opposition and college professors supported D'Amato's assessment. A banking committee aide said there were no plans to call Clinton administration witnesses and it was uncertain if additional hearings would be held. The administration insists Mexico's economic crisis is easing, with a sharp reduction in its short-term debt and tough austerity measures. The United States approved the latest $2 billion installment in Defense attorney Robert Blasier on Tuesday attempted to cast doubt on Montgomery's testimony by suggesting her results may have been the product of "exam Mexico called a failure LOS ANGELES (AP) The O.J. Simpson trial judge threat-" ened to bar a defense witness Wednesday after prosecutors complained they had yet to receive the expert's report, from 'investigatory work he completed ih January.

Judge Lance Ito sternly reminded attorneys he had issued an order requiring both sides to provide opponents with findings of expert witnesses. "If it comes to pass that there are reports or that conclusions jAfrere reached and there was a deliberate manipulation of the process and an instruction to the witnesses not to prepare reports, fp avoid discovery, then those witnesses will not testify," Ito said. y. Ito's comments outside the jury's presence was about defense witness John Gerdes, a DNA spe- -cialist from Denver. Prosecutors angrily complained they had yet to receive Gerdes report, even though his work was concluded in January.

Defense attorneys said Gerdes had not had time to write the report. Ito also looked at a pair of disputed prosecution charts to be U.S. rescue WASHINGTON (AP) The $20 billion U.S. rescue package Mexico is a failure and is being covered up by unrealistic official reports, the head of the Senate Banking Committee and a string of Capitol Hill witnesses contended Wednesday. "The Mexican government is taking the American government for a ride," said Javier Livas, a Mexican businessman and political opponent of President Ernesto Zedillo.

"The bailout package has not helped the real economy." Livas testified before the Senate Banking Committee headed by Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, a leading critic of the Clinton administration's loan package 50 Mexico. D'Amato said Mexico's "econ To place your ad call 935-7355 To FAX your ad 935-6242 Mail or stop by: News Messenger 309 E. Austin Marshall, TX 75671 Attn: Classified Dept. 20 PUBLIC NOTICES 30 SPECIAL NOTICES 40 PERSONALS 50 CARD OF THANKS 1 NEWS 110 1HUCKS 120 VANS.

130 iner bias," which would make a scientist obtain the test results that correspond to his or her expectations. approved the rescue package, tapping a fund created to stabilize U.S. currency, after Congress balked at helping Mexico. crisis is not just one of exchange rate instability but of virtual bankruptcy of Mexican banks and companies," said John Auping, an economist at Ibero-American University in Mexico City. He said the austerity measures adopted in Mexico will cause at huge recession and "an increase in interest rates that were already usurious." "At best, Mexico is in the initial stages of a very severe reces- sion that may well last for several years," testified Bernard Wein-stein, an economics professor at the University of North Texas.

Jl If If loans last week, bringing the total provided Mexico to $10 billion. The money is being used to pay off short-term, dollar-denominated debts. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin has said "it is too soon to declare victory" but that Mexico is putting major budget-cutting and revenue-raising measures into effect. 'D'Amato disputed the 'administration's optimistic assessment, saying Mexico's economy appears on the verge of collapse because the loans from the United States are only helping wealthy investors to redeem their securities. The crisis was triggered in December when Mexico devalued its peso.

President Clinton continuing reports of economic sluggishness, including factory orders, declining industrial production and rising unemployment. The department says the jobless rate in May jumped to 5.8 percent, from 5.5 percent! in April. The four-week moving average of new weekly jobless claims also continued to climb, reaching 371,500 last week, highest since 379,250 during the period ended Oct. 17, 1992. The average was 364,250 during the week ended May 13.

Many analysts prefer to track the four-week average because it smooths out the spikes in the weekly reports. Twenty states and territories reported increases in claims dur ing tne week ended May 13, and 33 recorded declines. State! figures are reported a week later than national totals. States with the biggest increases were Indiana, Tennessee, 842; Alabama, 719; Wisconsin, 688; and Mississippi, 569. flag desecration cent of the American people want this amendment," Rep.

Gerald Solomon, a chief sport1, sor, testified at a House subr committee hearing. "Burning the flag is not speech or expression, it is a hateful tantrum." But some Democrats, as well as, a conservative Republican expressed serious reservations during the hearing by the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution. "I don't want to give these people (flag-burners) the satisfaction of thinking that they were able to do something extraordinary to get the American Constitution amended," said Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass. 1 5: aw.

your ad: 171 RwntRatar tirQt type and tvt toftfknts attract attention to your ad. aura to ehacfc your ad tha fcat day It runs tor any an 01 a form to write your ad Exp. Date. 580 LOTSACREAGE 590 FARMSRANCHES 600 BUSINESS PROPERTY 620 RESORTLAKEPHOPERTY 630 REAL ESTATE WANTED BoatsMarine Need Cash? Sell WASHINGTON (AP) The number of Americans filing new claims for jobless benefits shot up by 13,000 last week to the highest level in 10 months as the economy continued to show signs of weakening. The, Labor Department said today first-time applications for Unemployment insurance totaled a seasonally adjusted 380,000 during the week ended May 20, the highest since 385,000 during the week ended July 16.

Many analysts had predicted that claims had fallen slightly last week. The report also showed that claims during the week ended May 13 were higher than originally estimated 367,000 rather than 365,000. Some analysts are expressing concern over the vigor of an economy' whose growth has slowed from a 5.1 percent annual rate in the final three months of 1994 to just 2.8 percent in the first three months of this year. Since then, there have been House debates WASHINGTON (AP) Most Americans favor a constitutional amendment to ban flag desecration, a GOP supporter argued Wednesday as opponents, including a conservative Republican, countered that such an amendment would amount to "constitutional desecration." Amendment supporters, frus-. trated since the ruled in 1989 that flag-burning is protected by the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech, were emboldened by the Republican takeover of Congress to try again.

The House is expected to "vote on it next month. "Love of the flag certainly isn't dead in our country. Eighty per To write 7 Start wf tht Kn you ira nKng. L7 Ust tttt featum ol your torn, car, tarvic, 'ate. 7 Indudathaprica oftfia Dam andyour Use this handy I I Nam: Days to Fire I 460 RENTALS HOUSES 470 RENTALS MOBILE HOME SITES 480 RENTALS MOBILE HOMES 490 RENTALS BUSINESS PROPERTY 510 WAREHOUSE STORAGE 520 WANTED TO RENTLEASE 530 ROOMMATE WANTED 540 HUNTING LEASE 560 REAL ESTATE OWNER 100 Ipiso Automobiles 1987 Monte Carlo SS new motor, good tires, collectible.

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The Marshall News Messenger from Marshall, Texas (2024)


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