The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas (2024)

Beach Hotel. EDUCED BTES Commencing September 1, 1883. Special Bates to Families and Commercial Men. me OFFICE OF I't ULIOATIO.V: Nos. LS-( ISO MKUUANIO STHBBT, 'JAt-vasroN.

JtNTEBIOR MERCHANTS liavi- i i Fall and Winter Clothing 1 AS MATTKK I i till? mi-tisfuctory )i'ni-. V'r Ho.tiutf i i i i and Drawers, VOL. 184. GALYESTOK TEXAS. MONDAY.

SEPTKMHKIl 6, 1886. A I I 12. i oi CRUMBLING CHARLESTON. RUIN WROUGHT BY THE EARTHQUAKE, POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thupowaar never Tftrtea, A marvel 01 reijutii anu Mora eeonoml- Scarcely a Sound House Left Standing-Relief for the Distressed-Another Slight Shock.

Gupel aiilliilii Pictiris the Ut-ntMU of the Library Kuiul ot ST. JAMES M. SUNDAV-SOHOOL, A ami TVKSDAY VKN'. MIS. tlicChurfli.couiiuoneSnK uta o'clock.

Lecture hy Ur. S. A i jinMoiu oliUdn-n 'lickots a a i r-nutlftv i and tit tliu church tlie o( tho folaMlpWSIocsis PARTIES KXOVriXfS OF VACANT LANDS, 01 ikllnii lociUIciig with altorniito may inini of something to their advantugu by STEWART HiBICHT, Austin, TeJ COTTON. We are pieptuHt to uiuKe liberal tidvaucaa 10 and planters to secura conaUu- Daentd tho coming season, Y. ft Galveatcm.

WAXTED-lin" liberal commlsi. to loliaevs and n- i i i i i i a i i i a of lltler less a per M. Tin- i i I a i'-K U-. lit A. HHV-.

Mexican Ttoops Attack "El Coyote" ami Get Used Up--Now Laredo. Terribly Anxious. LAM-TO. September retnrter returned from A'en- Laredo. Mexico, where great excitement exists this toe arrival of rhree.

wounded soklieis who had just returned from a tight which the government t-oops had this luoi-aiij tear tin Siiise, thirty miles dis- tart, i the revolutionist forces, unler con.irinid die notorious El Coyote." Tie tight took place about suusec, iu which Ihe government's wore worsted, having killed and three wounded, cavalry horses shot. Voli i-teer ccmpanlos are being organised for protection of the city, as an attack is rcer.tarily expected by the forces uuder hi Coyote." Reinforcements ot eightv are on the train from Monterey, is due p. but it is appr'e- I that Cayote will reach and dostrov railroad before the train can get in. it reported overthire that a large sum of in the ciistoui-honso has been sent to this side for safety. An inquiry at the United States Custom-house shows that only a thousand dollars has passed ever, and that by private individuals.

It is therefore probable that the roport was started to do away with the temptation of the rebels to join Coyote's forces in order a a a in plundering the custom- The wounded soldiers who returned from Ihe fcgat represent that Coyote's forces had large lot of extra arms, and it is supposed that he expected to be joined by a good a any men when he gets into New Laredo. It may be that Coyote only intends to make a desperate effort to rescue the two men now Ijirg in jail, condemned to death tor farticipation in the Mexican-National train robbery several years since--Coyote was In command of the robbers of the train- but tbe forces tinder Rodriguez, alias Coyote, are hardly sntflcteotly strong as yet to authorize an attack on so large a citv as New Laredo. THE BELLMAB BTABBIilO. The 3at Clgarad Vy, but the Fosters and Dragjcwe Held on a. Charge of Murder.

BP.AI.Y, September sheriff has returned from the place where Tom Sellman killed, and states that Neal Poster, Jack Foster, Tom Poster and one Draggere lave arrested on the charge of She murder of Sellman, and taken to SanSaba, as the oft'ensa was committed ID. that county. It was reported at Hrst that Sellman was on iorseback, and that he stated that the Posters pulled him from his horse and stabbed, him, but this was a mistake and it is now ascertained that S.Uoiin was afoot, and that-Neal Foster and Braggere took him In a wagon to the house of Mr. Smith after he was woundod. A lady, the only person present, asked in to go for a physician, or some one, replied that he hd business of" "is Jhat required his attention.

mother and one Lee came to Smith's afterward, but Tom Sellman died without jag in statement about the aft-air The jury ot inquest returned a verdict that Soil- Eian came to hw-death by wounds inflicted by a if in Ihe hands of Jack Foster. Iho Fosters say that Sellman came to the gate in question and forbade Tom Poster's passing out of the pasture wtth a wagon, atd that Foster left the wagon, went to the and brought Jack Foster and others down to tbe gate, and that Sellman shot at Jack, snd then Jack seized the gun with one hand, took his knife from hi? pocket with the otter, opened it with, his teeth, aud thd the stabbing. As Sellman was a large man and Jack a CHA IILESTON-, September is quiet to-day, and Sabbath silence is only broken by singing at different religious meetings, which have been held in the open air. Hardly a church iu Charles ton Is cou- sidcreclsafe for occupancy, and the ministers of the different denominations have for this reason held their services in different public parks and in tlio grounds adjoining tho churches. COUNTING THE BOSSES.

Bad to say, there ia no doubt the estimates of the lots by the earthquake are far imknv the marks. The city appraiser and those who Lave gone over the whole city, and are familiar with the value of property, estimate that it will cost at, least to put Charleston iu a position asi good as it occunii only a week ago. Buildings which wore considered entirely safe are discovered to be in a dangerous condition, aud persons who thought they had escaped without injury- find themselves confronted by damages which are entirely beyond tiieir means to repair. For this reason there is so much atxiety. Two government engineers are expected to.morrow, and in to tuese tho secretary of the treasury has been requested to detail a number of coiu patent civil engineers Jroui the ortlce of tue.

supervising architect of the treasury to assist the work of examining thoroughly building and discovering ihe extent of the injury, and what buildings CAU be allowed to staiNi, SltELTEIl FOR TIIK HOMELESS. The relief committee, wtth the assistance given and promised, will be able very shortly to provide adequate shelter (or tb' homeless refugees, and furnish them also with such food as they require. There ara to-day in. Charleston many persons ing for want of an 1 meat, and unable to help themselves. Their wants, however begin to he known an 1 will be quickly mot.

boverumeut tents have been erected iu encampments in different parts of the city where full attention will be given to sauitiuy requirements, but it is calculated that at least sotio persons will neer, shelter for weeks to come Bml it is proposed to erect huts ou public grounds for the accommodation of those i or whom tents will not sul'ricu. Ample accommodation i bo provided for tin colored refugees as well tu for the whites. It can be seen at a glunco that even the srtneious given to Charleston warm-hearted people throughout the luted States will be entirely inadequate to n-eet this emergency. If Charleston is to be rebuilt; if the shattered houses are lo be restored; if those in a dangerous condition are to be made safe, Charleston must Lave nt an i ariy day command of a i (Hi. to be at a low rate of in- security of the property to be rebuilt or restored.

No especial plan Iu this -eganl is especially advocated, lu- deed is a disposition tr, awnit in this i arrival of Mayor L'ourteuav, who readied New York from Europe to-day, ind will on Tuesday. Iu las couri'ge and ability, iu his comprehensiveness as wall as mastery of detail, (lie people have full confidence. His presence w.11 be worth a thousand men to Charleston. There have been no shocks of earth- since about 11 o'clock last night and tins helps to make the people hopeful, bun they are confronted by tho terrible i to their homes and this tends to depress facing Uie battery and overlook! ig the continence of tho Cooper and Asliley rivers leading out to the bay. Fort Bamter and 1'ort Moutrie, of rebellion tame, iu-e plainly in view.

As the sun peered through the scrub oaks aud into the tents this morning Ihe inhabitants turned out togreettaeirflrst Sunday morning iilnce the disaster, a thrilling scene was preusented. Scored o' tittle children were seem gamboling on the green; mothers were mailing tha toilets of infants, servants preparing breakfast over oil stoves, and men In groups like soldiers alter battle, discussing the past, present nnd future. Within space of 200 feet wide by IW.O in length probably 1000 persons tumped. This is one of the aris- a i portions of the city, flijd (he campers were of the best families. A NL'llllKIt OF I I I occurred--twins in two cases.

This has been an exceedingly warm day iu Charleston, The streets were dunty and hot, but Ihe breeze made the atmosphere tolerable in the shade, Had it not lor the arrival of two excursion trains bear- i I SCO people from Savannah and intnr- tiiediate points, and services ir the open air, the day would have been am exceedingly dull one. WEI8 Wholesale Clothiers, and uS Strand, Oalveston, Tex. BACK FROM EUROPE. The ot Charleston Botnias to His Post- Aiding iho BuHerers. YOUK, September Win.

Couitenay, mayor of Charleston, arrived ou the steamer Etrurla from Liverpool, iiLtl proceeded by the first traiuto Cuarlos- lon. He authorized Uie statement that ha i receipt and be responsible for all tout:) that may be forwarded by the National Uual to Charleston, where they are iiuper atively needed by many suffering and homeless people. To seoi re this eu he appointed the following named gentlemen to act as a committed of arrangeuwuts: bi Haskl Charleston, W. U. Uhett aud T.

li. Laneau. The headquarters of Ilia committee, are ac 317 Broadway. N. lents will be forwarded by the steamer lie Ian-are (pier 27, North river), of the liarieston tine, free of charge, ou Wednesday, September or by express if they can be procured sooner.

Iu an interview. Mayor Courtney said- 1 nowing the endurance of our people as 1 do, their coolness and bravery under all circ*mstances. 1 am satistisd from the news 1 found here, on my arrive! I.iat up to -Saturday afternoon the Mifterers require immediate and substau- iial relief. Many thousands of people must I provided with shelter from tho weather jit once. Hundreds of houses will have to be omit, and a very much larger number ran not be inhabited until extensive repairs are made It is a case of urgency, and, it understood, will, I am sure, be SLIGHT SHOCK.

There was another shock at ll.or, tonight. It was not severe, and the duration was about two seconds. The prevailiui; belief here is that the worst is over, and the inhabitants are reasonably secqre from further visitations of earth qqakes. This belief is based mainly upon assurances scientists. who sar only the slightest proba- tbere AT IT AGAIN.

Tlie Chicago Socialists and Anarchists Have a Eig Picnic and Speech Making. CiiicAiii), September thoiisaml sociHlJsts Hud sympathizers took a train for this morning to attend a pic- uic given by the Publishing company, for the purpose of raising money IVr the defense of tho condemned iinirchists. Prominent among those i could be seen Par- brother of A. U. I'nrsons, Balthasar I hns Spies, Ferdinand 8pie anil others of die former leaders.

Tne fallier of Hscar Neebe and Dr. Ernest Schmidt also attracted attention. Admiriux i gathered around M.s. Farsous an" Mis-. Schwab, both of whom talked loudly a defiantly of anarchy, present and tc cou.e.

After speeches by French Uer iiinns, KSOJIK German was snug to the of the Marseillaise with great i-nihiifiiism, and then Mr. 1'arsocs stonued lo the tront, being greeted with great applause. She was as pronounced as ever in speech, bitterly denouncing the whole proceedings of the courts. If," said she these men are hung, it will be foul niur- fler. If they are hung and you people, before me do not resent it powerfully, and so it will be remem- uered for many years to coine you are unworthy to be called men.

In the words of Ihomas Jefferson, that were quoted at Haymarketon that historic night lovelaajr. LOVELADY, September good deal cotton is coming in. Business is picking tip. The managers of the Interaatwnal and Great Northern railway are havinu 1e sod teustfe's selected frofeare W. Thompson as to-day as at any time since the visit of the earthquake, and all available rooms at the various hoatleries were engaged for to-night.

Few ill any of rooms would be occupied in case ot an- otner shock, and one may come with the pressure of the tide at midnisit. Vorv few of the regular inhabitants will return to tieir homes during the week; in fact it is only the most darinr of the strangers who yet venture inside of buildings and these do so because they have no true appreciation of the effect a severe shock would have at this time, when houses hang together by slender threads. All of the 100 or 200 incomers of to-day expressed surprise at the enormous mass of destruction. said one from Washington, I had no idea that what I had read was true. The aqconnte in the press were read with Interest but no one has any Idea of the true condition of Charleston." lo this connection it is proper to state that no reports have been received here of material misstatements by the newspaper representatives.

Dim- culty would be encountered in attempting to exaggerate the condition, of Charleston at this time. 80KB SINOULA3 FRBAK9, Fedestrians ic their wanderings through the rums to-day discovered manv new and interesting treats of the quake. Borne of them were found at the residence of Major J. H. Robinson, The building was badly wrecked in some places, while in others it seemnd to have escaped! in one bedroom of tho house the strane- freaks imaginable took place On ne side of the chamber oil paintings were thrown from the wall with such force as to destroy ttie canvas and crush the frames, while the mantel-piece, in the sanu room, stjod vases, which retained their perpendicular.

On another wail in the room two or three preitJl photogiaphs in frames were left undisturbed, while within three.feet ot them the plastering was wrenched off aud around into dust. The scantling upon which the lathing was nailed was torn out of place. A lounge was hurled across the room and broken to pieces, while chairs a few feet away not even overturned. Ju some places tae gatepost on one side of an entrance was twisted-, while tho othei brick, stone and concrete in the eighteenth century, which stood ao a monument among tLe landmarks of the weathered three wars and many earthquakes and cyclones of the country ia its time, and which carried in its wall a shell from tlie British gun flred during the revolution- -a bmldiEg which the oldest inhabitant believed could aot be destroyed by any earthquake which did not eugri'jh the city, uu tjuey xinve uone so on hearing of the conviction of anv ordinary murderers'- No, indeed; because they know our Ihe their own strength. downfall weakness and They rejoice of our they fear in It is your duty, and I demand of yo the crash of those seven scaffold heroes.

affold trai iu to echo IA4O VTMf 1-OUMT JHOllt fl Wilmington wire owny pt tTM fa i a counter crash that all this country will hear, and hearing, tremble. You know that Jl IS you ftn our glorious principles that these rnezi now suffer in their ceils. t-ee that their persecution does not go un- rewarded." The similarity opinion bet veen the L'JTS ker "id audience was evinced by the wild and prolonged cheering, ud waving ot many red flags in the hands of excited anarchists. No more speech making occurred, aud tte day found aa end with much beer drinking, accompanied by re- petWionr of the Marseillaise and copious fluttering of red flags. OSOWIHQ CROPS.

Weekly JBeport Hade by the Farmers Rwiew oi Chicago. Farmers Ue- view will print the following crap summary: Frost, which prevailed throughout a portion of the corn belt, during one night of the past week, causeu very little damage to growing corn. Repot to indicate that while the drouth audcont.nuedhot weather have seriously injured the general prospects of corn, it accelerated the ripening ot grain, and in eections of Missouri, Kansas, IOWA and Minnesota, a portion of the crop is sufficiently matured to be be- yord dasger from frost. Reports indicate, as a whole, that the corn crop will be out of the way of frost within fifteen days, if not attacked prior to then, and a large propo-- tionof the crop can not be seriously menaced even now. The general prospects for tlie output of corn show a uuprove- HIS WEAK POIBI.

One Nogro Shoots Another in the Head lor Breaking His Watermelon. PARIS, September -At an "arly hoor this morning Mark Trotip: and Mason, both colored, got into an altercation, which resulted in Troupe's receiving a pistol-shot in the head. The men were strangers to each other, but Troupe meeting Mason with a la rge watermelon, eng aged him in conversation, dilating upon the fine appearance of the melon and, taking it in his hand, accidentally let it fall, when it broke. Mason thought the melon was broken purposely by Troupe for the purpose of eating ft, ancl a quarrel ensued. The wound is not con sidered necessarily fatal.

Masou. lodged in jail. EXAMINING THE EARTHQUAKE THE SCIENTISTS ARE INVESTIGATING. A list of Questions to be Answered by People in Disturbed Disiricts--Records To 1 Be Made in Future. (September 5.

The geological survey, iu pursuance of the purpose o( its diiectcr to make a thorough study of the phenomena of the earthquake of August .11, lias preparada circular, to be sent to all parls of Old affected area and adjacent country, calling for detailed information upon the subject from whomsoever may have information, even of an apparently tnylalcharacter, to impart. Tlie observer i-j requested first to state his position, whether indoors or out, in- stairs or down, whether stauding. walkiuV IT sitting, and to describe the ground of his locality, whether rocky, earthy or saudv. Fallowing this tire a series ot questions, in substance as follows, to be answered elite gprically: 1. Was an earthquake felt at your vlacu I'D the i uf August or wittiiu a days or that Juier Negative answers to this i be of great imprest from auy i i the disturbed area, and espo- from points near iu limits.

At a hour, minute aiuf second of standard time was it felt! How long did its perceptible taotiou continue'- Was it accompanied by any unusual It so, describe it. Was there more thau one Felt'' If to, howraany'r Where several were' felt give accurately, or evta roughly, the cumber, duration and character of each, aud the intervals between them. of the following measures intensity would best describe whsv peiied in your vicinity? No. I. Very light noticed by a few persons, not generally Ii'll.

Ivo, 'J. Light, felt by a majority of persons: rattling of windows and crockery No. II, Modt-rte. sufficient to set ijuspende'd objects, chandeliens swinging, or to light objects. So.

4. Strong, sufficient to crack plaster iu the houses or throw doKu some bricks from chimneys. No. overthrowing chimneys and ill- Jtljring walls of houses. i.

lo you know of auy other causes for wiini happened than au earthquake': liive aho any a i a of jejeM, ttmiug whether from observation httflrsay. Kor instance, whether the sh.i like a tremor or jar, or a i and whether it seemed to come hcuiiDutally or vertically; whether auy idea of the direction of the shocks wa- lorrutd. and if people agreed Ibeir cpiniou as to s'ich -hrei-tioa. Slen 11011 aiiy unn.sual condition of the attuo.s- change or effect on animals! (i is often said they will feel the first tremor souio time before the peopl. it at 1'haraiMer of dam- Kge buiUiingB, general direction which walls, chimneys.

overthrown. Springs, are often noticeably affected lv veu i-liph! shocks, nud sucli fai-ts are espe- i i i i ir.teresting. I a rlock was stopped, jjive ihe time it iudicatrd. and some idea as 10 how fast or slow it was; ascertain the i i i iu which it stuuiliiig IT i i and also the ar.d i It a chin.ileuer uctu-eil to i i describe nud the direction of the swing. I piiMims the i i i of tbe i aud i pictures i wall at i it were also put in motion.

If doors closed or ooeioM. state the i i of the wall iu they were set. iu short, hardly any fact, however appa- insignificant, regarding this greil earthquake will not come amiss, and it is probiiiile that from the mass of informa- i to be gathered data of great scientific value will be deducted. It is requested a this information shall be sent lo the civisiou of volcanic geology, survey. It is probable that before the end of the a elaboratn though necessarily rather inexpensive arrangements for tue mer? tliorough observation and study of scientiflc pheiioiuenii all parts of this i will be perfected and put iu These arrangements have beeu in progress for a year or more and the advanced students of this branch of natural science nre interesting themselves in the work.

Instruments of great delicacy, though simple in their principles of construction and operation, have long been in use for automatically earth movements. Perhaps the bast has for its central feature a disc of smoked glass revolved horizontally by clockwork. Beside this are horizontal pendulums delicately suspended upon pivots, carrying weights of sufficient inertia to keep their pendula at rest, though which they are attached the stands to be moved. Each pendulum beats at its extremity a pointer which, on being drawn over the smoked disc as the latter revolves marks a true circle so long as the earth remains unmoved, but with the slightest aiovement their course is disturbed and their record is seen in wavering or japgcd lines around the disc. Two of these pendnla are required for seismograph-- one recording the eastanu west movements, the ether those north and south.

Tnis instrument is too delicate and complex for use outside of observatories and labaratories, where it can have the attention of trained observers; but another and much simpler device has nearly been perfected, which, it is proposed, shall be placed ill the hands or volunteer observers in parts of the country. It consists of a vertical pendulum, whose point hangs over a cup of mercury, on the surface of which lies a platinum float. float receives the point Small depression in the the point without making actual contact, except when the mercury is disturbed, in which event contact will be made, completing an electrical circuit which, by withdrawing aedent, sets in motion the machinery of an ordinary clock. It is proposed that only 100 or 200 of these instruments; be sent out at present. These will record only the beginning of ttie earthquake, but will serve also the purpose of calling attention to a disturbance, which might otturwise escape notice, aud thus enable tlie observer to study such other features as the phenomena may present.

The study of phenomena ot this kind is claimed to be of great value to as a guide to the knowledge of the nature of the earth's Interior and for its bearing upon almost every branch of physics and geology. FKOH PULPIT TO PRISON. A Notorious Gospel Sharp Landed Safely ia tho Arkansas Penitentiary. JIITTI.E KOCK, September Kev. George W.

Hortzclaw has beeu lodged in the state prison at this place, having been convicted of forgery at the last term of the Olebtirne county Circuit Court, and sentenced to five years imprisonment. The prisoner has an interesting history. For some years past he has been operating in different parts of the country under various aliases. He is a native of Pennsylvania. He entered the Methodist ministry, and was expelled from one of tbe Ohio conferences, having proved guilty otcoa- tluct unbecoming a i i Koon after be appeared a Carapbelliic preacher.

is said he wafc pastor of churches iu hpnngfleld and 1'eorla, and in other places. His real character noon revealed itsi-lf Had led to his disgrace aud dismissal wherever'lielocated. He murri.d, deserting his wife when exposure came. He settled and married in Clebtirne county, this Mate, a year ago. He was a Woiiuent preacher, aud crowds Hocked to Ijim.

When an estert on the charge of forccry 310 was conducting a revival in iTDuklm county, and was imuiorsiag converts In a stream of water near the rhurcli. His arrest created intense excitement, his friends threatening the officials with vio- lerxe. but he was taken awav without trouble. trial he pleaded guilty i us the fact that au Illinois sheriff wes iu tlie court-room i a warrant for his test on a charge of bigamy. Two ministers of tlie L'ampbellite denomination accompanied the bheritt to identify Hortecla'v lift is Mild to be indictment in Ohio ftud Ivauia.

BID HOT TEEL It. Rotting of the Earthquake alSea North of Bermuda. I I September steamer Trinidad, which left Thursday hist, arrived at this point to-day. The offl- cers of tbe vessel, on being interrogated iu a i the recent series of earthquake stated that up to the vime of their departure frcin Hermuda thero had been no symptoms of eartliijuate there, nor did they experience anything unusual on the trip. In fad, they knew nothing whatever ot until their arrival here.

THE TROUBLE80M3 INDIANS. The Military Authoritiaj at Helena, Very Muti Anr-oyed. 1ST. sieptembor 1'ioneer fiet.s Helena (ilou.l special Bays: The oftlcials of tho war department are exercised over tin recent raid of India as upon the stock of the Crows of flitter station. I is said the commanding otlicer at Kort a i i has received orders to up the and scouts from Kort As- siuaboine are already out.

The depredations by Indians from over the Hue are ex- citiue much attention from our Indian department. A from Assinaboiue Some Cirnp.ventres Indians arrived here Ini-t night with six scalns of Blood Indians, who had beeu ambushed and killed llie Hloods stolen horses. L'pon their a i the victorious oam? euzaged iu dance. OAKWOOD. Feath an Old Citizcn-E.

P. Stiot by Abe i A i September T. Jlayes. aged aud a very highly re- spvcted citizen of Freestone county for the pafct y.ns, died here yesterday a fro- congestion of tue braia. He was buriefl this atternoou.

Fiiday evening, this a white man named E. V. Karl weat to th; house of Al Taylur u'dored) and attacked him i i running them i a.ud out of tUeir house several 'uues. Taylor to get his. gun and shot i i him i a Tayior came to low r.

i i i i i aud gave h'imself up the i i i i who held an i i Tl i i i examination takes place Sh'Ddny. Taylor is considered a if )od aud im.ut-trii'iib man. umr.v believe that Ms was iustiliable. C'oitou is ccm'ing ill slowly, and about bales have been received to date. Weather i hot aiul dry.

SHEBIFFS' DEPAEIMEST. r.rp i i i i September strayed or stolen: One dun horse, black inaue and tail and legs, saddle marks on the ba--k. branded oil the shoulder abont hauds bigh. Will par for his delivery to r-easbers, at biddings. M.

'Brown, sheriff Lee county. i A Hot'sTON, iSepteuibgr I. Stolen reward: Stolen, on Saturday, Sep. tember a light bay mare, branded iliamond with car across, about It hands high. 4 years old, shod all round, works gentle-- single or double-- fox-trot under the saddle.

When stolen she had ou English i ace saddle and hair bridle. I will pay $ld reward for her. or information that 'will lead to her recovery. J. Fant, sheriff.

Tyler. TVLEU, September fv-Qeneral Hawthorn. of Austin, a brigadier general in the recent war, and now a Baptist minister traveling over the State in the interest of foreign missions, preached hero tr day one of the most eloquent and impressive sermons ever littened to in Tyler. The camp at Longview having broken, the political knights ftoni here have returned. Considerable indignation is manifested among the people iu this citv owing to the action of the Smiti county delegation, excepting delegates 1.

Bonaer asd S. Hogg, refusing to vote for the Hon. John II. Duncan in the Longview convention, when it was certain that tne Smith county delegation could have secured his nomination, and owing to the, false report circulated at Longview by a man living here that Judge Duncan had no following in this county. San Antonio.

WAN ANTONIO, September Fassengers who arrived on the Sunset report a collision this morning at Hondo City between two freight trains, in which three men were killed. Your correspondent here telephoned out received no answer from there to-night, and the rail way officials here are reticent on the subject. There must be some foundation for the reporc, because a wrecsing train wss sent to' Hondo to-day. The fall clip of wool is begiuniua to conie iua-apidly. Giddings.

GimiNC4S, September b. We are having good, weather. Cotton doing tine. Some worms are reported, but have done little damage to tLe crop. The.

railroad company is painting and otherwise repairing their depoi here, which adds considerably to the appearance of the town. The jmhlic weigher has averaged 110 bales cottcn per day this week. Fell Over tho Cliff. PITTSBURGH, September A sensational and probably fa.tal accideut occurred ftbout 10 o'clock last Officer George VVoods, and a man named Edward Henning. whom he was arresting, felLover a cliff to Locust street, and both areTTow not expected to survive the injuries they received.

Indications. September 0--1 a. Louisiana: Fair weather, no decided change in temperature, winds generally easterly. For Texas: Local rains, no decided change in temperature, easterly wUuls shifting to soutUsrly. LLANCES.

Interesting Statement from the Troarary Books. statement of balances due to and tiie United from to June 'Vt, ou thebosicsof the register of the trenury. has jii--. printed, and can be. it a.

pauiphlet of about SOU pages. This prepared in obedience to a resolution oi the House of Kepresentutiveii, passed lem: January, and was transmitted to that body about the end of die session. It nil balances e-ccept those adsiag oa nee-mints relating to the postoffice department, hich are shown by the sixth auditor of treasury, who is au auditor, Bad reiiinter combined. It will be remain- here 1 that Mr. SlcUonvillo, tbe sixthauiit- or.

replying to the resolution, it would require the entire service of twauty- live clerks four years to prepare the stata- nient called for. Hf. doubtless expressed Jns strongest objection to the nubUcutioa of the information, when he suggested that it "would offer opportunities for fraud re- quiring constant watchfulness to detect." The accounting officers of the treasury and tne officials of the department of state fharcai! with the disbursem*nts of funds nfford ftdundant sport to business men by this ominous suggestion of Mr. iicfcotvUle and can be no doubt that they arw all a man horror-Strieker; by the full frank statement just laid before tea public by the Register. This statement shows that we owe small amounts to about individuals, on ac- persona! estate ot American citizens wh' die abroad, leaving uo legal representative, partner trade, or tiustee, which tbe consuls of tlie United States 1-9- 'itnred to transmit to the treasury, thore be held in trust (or tie lawful claimant.

'We also owe on account of outstandia'' liabilities .11, but this is not an indebtedness the same sense tliat the is giveu to anv ia li'iuidatlon of debt due by ttie eovern- iiient, and it is not presented or paid within the space of three years, order t- close the account of the disbursing officer who drew it, the treasurer is required to dejiosit the money wnich it represents in tLe treasury to the credit of the person en- Ulled to payment; and inio an appropriation styled liOiluies." Tin balances due to aud from the United States on ncconats of the various officers of the goycrumeut are clearly shown in following recapitulation of'the register: a i i i s. i Hi-count COLOHIZIHO NEOSOES. A Rew Scheme of the Kepnblican Committee- A I September ii a new scheme of some magnitude about to inaugurated by the national congressional coiumittee in the way of a systematic exodus of colored people. It. has beet a matter of long-standing complaint with the Kepublican managers that in parts the South there are many Republican negroes whose votes are wasted.

anil that race is not making any advancement. Theie has been for several years an organization to look after this matter. Fred. Douglass, of this city, is president of the organization. He studied the question carefully and collected many statistics.

Tte Republican committee, which has a large sum of money at its disposal, oar- poses to distribute these colored mea'ba- fore the campaign of 1S6S whure they will do the most good. Several agents been making observations and reports upon Uie state of things. It is intended to send large colonies to certain parts of Missouri, where a few more votes are needed, and to southern Indiana. Dakota, too, has been considered a good place for a large colony preparatory to its admission into the Union. Milton Turner, a colored lawyer ot 6-t.

Louis, who had charge of the case of Indian Territory freedman before Conirrass last winter, is actively engaged in the matter, and is highly in favor of sendinz a large colony to the proposed territory ot Oklahoma. THE PISTOL AT CALVEKt. Sheriff Jones Shoots and Mortally Wounds County Attorney Lewis. CALVUUY, September serious shooting affray occurred here this morning, in. which County Attorney A.

L. Lewis was shot and mortally wounded by Sheriff T. B. Jones. Attorney Lewis is stillalive.bat the physicians say he can not through, tlie night.

Sheriff Jones surrendered to Mayor Burck and asked for protection. Jones claims that he did the shooting in. self-defense. FIRE RECOBD. KESIDKXCE HURXEO IX PALESTINE PALESTINE.

September .1. WhUa family of Mrs. Houiitree, escept th.3 smaller children, were at church last night, her two-story frame residence in was discovered to be in a sheet of fiauias, havine caught, it is supposed, from tha plosion of a lamp in the second story. No efforts could save the building. Tiiehou.3^ was valued at insured for in the IS'ew Orleans Southern.

Loss on fnruj- ture. furniture insured for 3iO, LABOR TOPICS. A STOMC-CUTTEKS. Stone-cutters union this city to-day withdrew from the Trades union. The stone-cutters number about and their withdrawal causes the first serious break ia the auial- organization.

The reason gives. for their withdrawal is that the brick acdl stone-masons belonging to the Trades are allowed to do stone-cutting for 80 less per day than the established ratj THE first tea ship to arrive at PortlaaJ. this season put in from last week, and the cargo is now OB its. way across tU8 continent by.

The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas (2024)


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