The Washington Daily News from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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ar) I THE WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS: SATURDAY NOVEMBER 21 1931 19 Local ootball Boys in for a Bloody Afternoon CONNORS COACHES Brains vs Beauty I OOTBALL LINE UPS RESERVES (V get the Maryland Generals Battle Is eature Cards Meet riars Light Gonzaga Team Defeats Big Central Boys by 19 0 Score Than Season Colonials Win Over Butler Bulldogs in Easy 32 7 Contest 40 30 54 Keenan Norris Woods Chalmers Berrer Poppelman the local so many CARDOZA SWAMPS HOWARD The Cardoza High School eleven ran wild against Howard vis iting club from Delaware yesterday The locals scored a 49 6 win Gobifl Hurdle Mathews Nawroeki Kutmewflki Burns Jem Brady oster (Cl Calliran efe raalz Gross Monaco Corner Jim Lyons lynn (AC) Howe McVean Whelan DeMello Sheary the of Pos LE LT 34 10 3H 7 35 4 9 20 23 35 32 33 26 31 30 20 8 3 34 SI 55 27 51 53 07 43 45 35 44 KG RT RE UH II All the Tilts Are About Even Hoyas Seek Better Even Break for This It rather looks as tho football prides are in for dog fights in their games today Three of the battles will be at home Maryland playing host to Washing ton and Lee at College Park and Catholic University attending to the wants of Providence at the Brook land Bowl Georgetown traveled to Phila delphia to say hello to Villanova Gallaudet entertains Shepherd Col lege of Shepherdstown and American meets Randolph Macon at Ashland Va Bloody Celebration big homecoming cele bration is likely to be quite bloody The teams are fighting it out foi fifth place in the Southern confer ence and on comparative scores seem just about evenly matched After a two week rest and with all the stars ready and aring to go the Byrdies are in about their best condition since the Navy Game A victory would give them a clean sweep over the northern section of the Dixie circuit as they have al ready trampled on Virginia Virginia Poly and I Reunion or the first time in eight years the Cardinals face Providence and not going to be a very joyful reunion The riars with an entire veteran team match the Brookland record of six consecutive vic tories Only Rutgers and Holy Cross have licked the Northerners Taking all comparative scores into consideration however the Cards aren't very much the underdog They are in good condition and Coach Bergman has worked with the line until it should be able to hold its own with the 185 pound average Rhode Islanders Record at Stake Georgetown has a chance to IwHor than an even break for season if it wins its game with Villanova today At present the Hoyas have won three Tost four and tied one One game with Detroit next week is still left Coach Mills is blessed with a team unhampered by injuries for the second time this year and it won a nice two touchdown victory over West Virginia last week just to show what it can do Alenty and Bordeau star backs are both in playing condition Gallaudet and American are still trying for a win So far neither has had one and things look so good this week and the pity their last game 68 65 05 33 Hassle Team Has Match Nov 30 The Jewish Community Center rassling team will open its home season on Monday evening Nov 30 againsfthe A combination The following men are available: Herman Iskow 115 pounds run ner up last year in the city cham pionships Jack Kosowsky 125 pound District champ in this class and formerly star of University of Nebraska Max Bassin a promising 135 pound newcomer and Harry Goldman 155 pound champ now in the 145 pound division Joe Turner says Goldman is the best amateur wrestler he has ever seen Steve Sills former Kansas University star will compete in the 155 pound class and Jimmy Devers another good newcomer will work in the 165 pound class Al Cohn will work in the light heavy class while the heavyweight class is a contest between Sid Kol ker former Tech High football star and Babe Silverman last representative Purple Uncork Short orwards and Trick Plays Completely Outclassing Mt Pleasanters Eleven young men from Gonzaga yesterday demonstrated to eleven young men from Central that it was much better to have less heft and know how to use it than be blessed with a lot of weight that only got in the way Gonzaga won the foot ball game 19 0 It was like the mouse chasing the cat Bingo! went the featherweights and plop! went the heavies Time after time the Gonzagans busted thru the big but weak Mt Pleasant line When they tired bf that or Central rallied somewhat they started a barrage of short passes about five or six yards that got Coach boys all mixed up Tricky Then ever often the Purple changed its colors and tried a trick play The trickiest thing about them was that they worked or instance the whole Gonzaga team would con centrate in a little ball like forma tion then shoot a man around end with the ball Or they would spread out and take most of the Central boys with them only to gang thru the line Gonzaga scored right off the han dle driving the kickoff back 70 yards Little pushes thru the line took it to 35 and the Mills twins took it over with two end runs Carl finally going across drop kick clanked over the heads of a couple of Central men right thru the uprights Swoosh! It was those dizzy short passes that got Gonzaga its second score with the Mills on the throwing end Keegin took the last one 15 yards for the touchdown Keegin snubbed exactly 11 Cen tral men while covering 50 yards to get the final He took a pass in midfield and high hatted his way over Gonzaga has played and defeated all the high school teams except Tech now by decisive scores RolBDd Morris Hanley Wilson Sawyer Mattox Baller Washington and Baeon 5 Wolford 28 Grove 1: Wertx 4 MacDonald 15: Nesbitt 24 Eieholtx 21 Steves IS Almon 22 Martin 11 Wilson 1 Stevens 25 Pride 7 ines 23 Collins 17 unkhouser 10 Irvine Maryland Benner SI Daley 48 eld man 33 Mitehell 30 Koelle 49 Cole 73 Wood 75 Vineent 32 Settlno 25: Miller 23 Kiernan 47 Mny 37 Sterling 20 Seott 30 Simpson S3 Buaeher 65 Hines 46 Crnmln 31 Bothoron 37 Nicholson 67 Loughren TO: Mayhew 20: Wright 50 Davis 118: Snyder 21 Hawkins 73 Hay 20 Keener 23 Maryland's gold Jersey eaae Norris 38 Car Um 68 Hayden 36 aber 47: Krakovle 30: Keenan 61 Nor ris 38: Woods 17 Chalmers 45: Berger 46 Peppelman 44 Benner 26 Duley 35 eldman 37: IMtehell 20 oKelle 32 Cole 15 Wood 52 Vincent 34 Settles 31 Miller 34 Kiernan 66 Mar 42 Sterling IS Seott 63: Bow her 41 HI nee 33 Cra nia Mt Wright 00 NEW GOL BALL TO BE OICIAL NEXT JAN 1 NEW YORK The predicted abandonment of the balloon ball was effected by the United States Gold Association yesterday In its place the association ap proved a ball of increased weight weighing 162 ounces It will be of 168 inches in diameter like the currently official Jall which weighs 155 ounces Tnte new ball will become official Jan 1 1932 We have your favorite radio Terms to suit Manhattan A Radi 1700 eUB WW 3033 14th MW Southern Methodist avored Over Navy Special to The News ANNAPOLIS Southern Meth odist undefeated for the season brings its famous passing attack here today to meet Navy in an in tersectional game The Southwest team was an overwhelming favorite to defeat Rip crew Miller has been drilling his team on defense for passes and has stated that his team will match Methodists pass for pass on the fense MERCURY CHALLENGE The Mercury A 125 pound football team is seeking a game for tomorrow The team has issued special chalenges to the Alexandria Pirates and the Virginia A Call District 9151 rg RT RE LHB BHB RESERVES Oliveri (1) Donaber 13) Baraldi51 Guamicri 01 Hepburn 18) John Lyons (10) Campbell (12) Ball (13) Am brose "(14) Jankoskl (16) Preston (17) Bertonl (18) Dillinger (19) Moffett (20) Stapleton (21) Lennon (22) Maley (24) McVean (25) White (20) llalleron (27) Lauer (28) Baumgardner (30) Pyne (31) Callender (32) Stafford (33) Longo Duacha (37) Nally (30) Nally40 Providence Davis (4) IalWrge (37) Thompson (30) Dromroolp 't 34 Vleiler (61) Wright (67) McCann (0) McCarthy (12) Rennick (17) Sklpp 110) Lee (21) Cody (23) Schott (20) Conley (27 Boyle (29) O'Hare (31) Solitto (35) Mardoaa (39) Adamiek (41) LeWanc (43) planka (45) Callahan (48) Barbarlto (50) Gilli gan (63) Stanlsiewskl (63) Kalxnelsonl (60) DerWlaa (63) Smith M) Columbia iremen "ow Have or mer Star as Mentor Special to Ths News ALEXA NDRI A Since reddie Mesmer has left the boys in favor of Georgetown Jack Connors for mer star at George Washington will tend to th 2 coaching of the Colum bia ire Company basketball team this winter The firemen start their season to night in the armory against Atlas Sport Shop at 8:30 The subs will play Co A from Humphreys in a prelim an hour before the ture Teams wishing games with Columbia phone Manager McDonald at Alexandria 2256 between 8 and 9 a or 6 and 7 George Washington Backs Get Away for Long Brilliant Runs Booz Is Star for the Visitors By DICK MOORE George Washington achieved its first intersectional victory of the season last night when it muzzled the Butler Bulldogs 32 7 in Griffith Stadium And for this Capt Ken neth Booz of the visitors deserves a vote of thanks from the Colonials Booz is one of the best backs to play here this season but his sup porting cast was only mediocre at best Booz passed and his ends re peatedly dropped fumbled of waved timidly at the ball as it sailed over head when a completed pass would hae meant a substantial gain They Help Booz ran the ball and his 'own in terference got ii his way gummed up the play or failed to open enough of a hole for him to ease thru But there was always a chance that he might accomplish something if he kept trying and it was this one threat that kept the Colonials from sleeping peacefully thru the game As it was they were kept on their toes and so proceded to run thru the visitors for long gains and five touchdowns It was the ball carry ing of the Colonial backs that kept the game from becoming a dis tressingly uninteresting spectacle Long Runs Carlin furnished the first thrill when he cut thru inside tackle dodged the secondary and ran 48 yards to score the first touchdown Carlin passed to Mulvey for another and Parrish ended a long march down the field by going 18 yards for the third touchdown of the first half Carter scored two touchdowns in the second half going over from the two yard line for one and running 44 yards on a spinner for the sec ond Booz was responsible for only score He broke away for a 30 yard run to put the ball on the 13 yard line then passed to Hughes for the touchdown He kicked the extra point THE office handicappers turned in zero report cards again yester day and the situation is getting tense to say the least Mary Ann with1 blood in her eyes picks Marine to take the fifth race today be the bririey deep for me if I get a winner the office pet remarked i Chatmoss was selec tion in the first face after he had come up from hours of study over the form charts his venerable brow corrugated like a (fash board MARYANN Marine ifth Race (A paltry $92) i ORECASTER Chatmoss irst Heat (Sunk to $90) i an odder By DICK MOORE flood season in the South again Once more football coaches are forced to run for the hills squawking levee has busted while they try to salvage something of their teams Last year it was Alab Crimson Tide that over all opposition (I believe thU was the standard phrase used to describe vic tories) This year Green Wave that has across the gridirons of the (copyright) i Tulane according to the experts who have watched the team in action has one of the greatest elevens ever produced in the South Bill Alexander Georgia Tech coach watched the Wave wreck his team 33 0 and then declared that Tulane had the greatest team he had ever seen and the best in the country today Jack Cannon) for mer Notre Dajne player and now coaching under Alexander joined on the chorus to back up his boss Jerry Dalrymple end and Don Zimmerman halfback are the Tu lane players who are almost sure of All American recognition Play ers who have tried to stop them declare that these two boys are do ing deeds on the gridiron that no human being ever did before And if the situation gets much worse the Southern Conference will have to ask for flood relief THIS brink of defeat must be getting worn down pretty far by this time Jim Londos has been walking it almost nightly during his rassling tours for the past three years It must be equipped with non skid material for Jeem always manages to keep from slipping over I this Sing Sing football keeps up much longer that flashy half back Alabama Pitts is going to find himself subsidized PRIMO CARNERA is talking of going on a tour of South America And while he is gone his board of managers can make Some money here in the by exhibiting a wooly or something NOTRE DAME should quit trying to please the public When the Irish swamped Penr 49 0 they were accused of being vindictive And then they defeated Navy 20 0 and all the people turned right around and accused them of not trying 'X" Pool tloa Maryland HoMikh LB Pease Tilson I Caritas Bolen LG Hayden Mitchell aber Irish Harvard Are Slight avorites in Big Battles Altho Games US and Yale Are Likely to Bow Others Also Close By CAMERON United nr 'Sport Editor NEW ogs that enveloped New York yesterday were as noth ing compared with those surround ing the task of football winners 1 The list was almost devoid of soft spots teams of nearly equal worth contesting This applied to the two ace games of the Notre Dame and Harvard Yale No Use No attempt need be made here to supply a learned dissertation of the merits of the four teams involved in these football conflicts It is suf ficient to drag out that good old bromide which is that any game or purposes of record however let it be said that Notre Dame and Harvard will carry the best chances of winning Each is unbeaten and each opponent has been beaten Here are some more predictions: Navy Southern Methodist Navy has no more than a prayer and has lots of them Baylor Texas in the same boat as Navy Army Ah! A soft spot Boldly Army Boston College Boston Another it I Tough Choice Tulane Sewanee They come in clusters Tulane Michigan Minne sota Toughest pick of the Michigan Lehigh Lafayette Lafay ette Georgia Auburn A grand battle with i a favored Georgia Tech lorida Another prize of the southland with lorida favored Lions Underdogs West Virginia Penn West men might will emerge victorious over nit tany Lions Brown New Hamp Brown but not so easy as you might think 'Columbia Syra cusaj Here (with misgivings) is a' vote (for Syracuse ordham Buck nell ordham and no argument More Texas Aggies Texas Texas in a hard fight Chicffgo Chicago has won its game of this decade Denver Temple Temple' easily Purdue Indiana Boop boop Kansas Missouri A game of the Yale Harvard and Lafayette Lehigh type and Missouri is it i ill Northwestem Iowa Northwest ern 21 6 Ohio State Illinois Ohio State in a close game Stanford Pop thru los ing for this season coach of Stanford if you don't know) Season record: 101 wins 21 losses percentage 832 PENNANTS WORK The Petworth Pennants will drill tonight at 7 in preparation for their game tomorrow with the Columbians All players must be on hand promptly at 1:30 tomorrow It isjthe first time this year the Pen nants Have been able put a healthy tearri on the field and woe betide anyone who show up SIGNS BEAT DEVITT Devitt 3 0 lead over the National Training School eleven yes terday afternoon was completely erased in the last period when Ray Signs of the Training School ran 88 yards for a touchdown and then kicked an extra pojnt to win 7 3 LOANS HORNING Dlaaandt Watehaa Jewalry Os Rao4 aiexxodrl Mth Brl4c.

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.