The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa (2024)


171. DAVE Si PORT DAILY GAZETTE, A PUBLISHERS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: OO per annum, payable ia advanco; 12X per iveok, payable to carrier. per nuuuin In advance. per annum, iu advance.

TERMS OF ADVERTISING As agreed upon by tlio Davenport Aflsociated May 1st, 1857.. Ono Square of Twelve Lines, or one Inch In spaco-- One $0 75 days, 100 Threo 1 25 Four days, 1 50 Five day 0, I 75 Ono Tvcck, 2 00 Two 3 00 4 00 Larger charged at One month, $5 00 Six weeks, 6 00 months, 7 oo Three 8 00 Fourmonths, 9 00 Six 00 oo 2 1 00 the rate of $7,00 for each additional square. for one-half square two-thlrda of tlie above rates. Btislneas cards not over six lines, $10,00 per annum. For ouch chango aa additional of 25 cents per Hquaru will be made.

Largo charged double the same dimensions of typo. Displayed advertisem*nts one-half more than Utiuul rates, Jfearly advertising contracts witl he understood to ipply strictly to tho immediate liusineae of tho Haer, and all other advertisem*nts la by the advertiser will be charged extra. Advcrttaemoutd not accompanied with written directions will bu inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. AiU'eriidomonid inserted inwootly on reasonable terms. Notices foj religious and benevolent purposes cortedonu tfme free of cost, thereafter charged as other Advertisem*nts from abroad must be paid for Invariably iu advance unites from approved agents.

Contracts for yearly advertlsmg termUiahle at the option of advertisers, they paying nh advancement of 25 per cent, on the contract price. Advertisem*nts inserted, next to reading matter 60 per cent advance of above rates, and kept standing on indide 25 per advance on regular rates. All transient advertisem*nts mtiflt "Be paid for in advance. SANDERS BROTHER, Dally Gazette, G. K.

WEST, Daily Democrat. HARRINGTON WILKTE, Dally News. IL LISCllEItt Daily DerDcmekrat. Business Architects and Artists. E.

IVHEEItER, A ECHITECT AND OFFICE-ii. 1, Davenport block, third atory. "WiU'iaie cnn tracts autl superintend work of every dosci iptfon. JulylffSSif W. L.

CARROLL, A RCBITECT AND 1, secanfl floor, ia block, Third and Perry streets. JA3IES R.UMBOLD, pONTRACTOR AND On aHey between Fifth and Slith itreett, rear cf Conj-crcnational, and "West of Methodist Church. C. COCUKAJi A FIVE PER CENT. COM-TX MISSION for Buil dings costing not over $20,000.

Three percent, on costing my25tf Commission mercliants. DAtZELL 4t HOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Forwarding and Commission ID Salt. Cement, Plaster, Glass and Kails. Corner Second aad Ferry ttrceti. jan34'56tf BCRROWS 4t PRETTYMASf, AND COMMISSION MER.

CHAKTS, Prodaco Dealers, and "Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Dry Goods, QceenswarejCrro- eeries, lioois. Shoot, Hats, Clothing, Front street. Having ample room for Storage we shall pay par- ticnlar attention to Receiving, Storing and nsr any Goods consigned to our care. Cash paid at all times for Prodnce. The DAVENPORT STEAlt FLOURING- MILLS will be kftptin constant- operation, and Tanners are riformcd that -we pay at all times, in the highest price for Wheat, Floor always on hand.

BURKOWS PRETTYMAN. HOLESALE GRQCEB3, (EXCLUSIVELY JTholesale,) Corner Second and Perry Davenport, Iowa. Agents for Tjtflin fc Smith's Powder Mills. TUSXICE OF THE OFFICE McManns Sheppard buUdiBgv. corner of Second and lEain streets, opposite toCwfcfcSar- nt'ft (Ber Bemobrat please copyp Apl4-tf 0- ALTOltD.

ALVORO Jfc VAST P.TAS PATTML AMD BETAIL DEALERS VV in Groceries, Drugs, Cbemicaia, Oils, Also-- in Patent and Agents for all of Dr. D. Joyce's PrcpATfttions- Front street oppMitc J. SL JX BnrroTra mill and door west of Perry street. ocl MEY HOLE8AUE AND RETAIL DEALERS in Havana and Pomwtic Cigain, Virginia Pins, Cut, Che-wing Smoking Tobacco, Fancy Pipea, corner of Brady and Front sireeU.

je3 NICHOLAS KUBSBNy TOBACCONIST, CORNER Main and Second Btreets, Davenport noI4dtctf OTTO EALER IN DRT GOODS, GROCERIES and Prodnce. Agent for ifcCormick's Reaper, Second Hamson, Davenport, HUGO OF MUSIC ON PIANO, MELO- JL. 0EOX A2fl ORGAN. Fifth street, aecond door of Weatern Avenue. A JEWELL, HOUSE, S1GS 'AND.

OR- NAltESTAi- PA1NTJER, Gilder, Glmzler. Grainer, and Hanger. In any or all of the shove branches, I can auarc my patrons thai the work shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner, and that the materials I uao shall be of tbe best Sialiiy. also keep on hand ready. Glazed Sath of best manufacture, Mixed Faints, Glass, Fatty etc.

Shop on Third street, one door Sastol Brady street. Nixon ANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE Dealers In orcry variety of Forvigii and DC- A Pay higbest market for Paper, Sha- Tinei and other imper stock, c. 77 and 78 Walnut street, Cincinnati Cabinet Maker, Paper FUSSOTURE REPAJRSK. Show Casea, Cotustimy Devk Made order aad attended to despatch bcfsTMaSdaod 3d, Davenport, ctcu, Koct IOTML Wcrt Chester Fcnn. TOW3E5BXD, Loan, Diseomt ui Law Olee NO.

2 XICKOLIS 1 SLOCK, E31 OF BRADY ASD EECOSP STEEETS, T7SPECUL ATTEKTION GIVEN TO THE larestnvat of Money 3 AH -OT Ccunnriwoan, T3l3cs ronely all-ended to. fc SjuycBt, ABea Jc jDxrinrporl; Wm. W. Giuihier Biwt cT Cbwifff ccmalT, fllc, ATbaegy, T-; F. -of DE11EISIH BOOTS 50- a EAST 8TSBET, nrr ft.

A. i Ettgineer aai Sure "TO ATTEND TO ALL tr.att.nrs prtiitohiiE to 1if 7irnrflmflrm, Conrtmclion of noon- Offlpr 3n -M fc Kid anil Morocco. T. HUA A CO- HATE lurrr jctifl -sriu STwoooo, of Professional JLawyers. AVILLIAM SANDERSON, A TTOKNEV AND COUNSELOR AT LAW.

and NOTARY PUBLIC; Princeton, Scott county Iowa. Kefer to Thompson fc Earner, Corbln Dow, Davenport. fl i9tf K. D. A TTORNEr AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, -TX AND NOTARY PUBLIC.

Office, oornor of Brady and Swwid Hlrsets, over MackJot JJanfc. Partlcnlnr attention given to the collection of payment of Taxes, conveyancing of Iteal Katate, or- aminatlon of Land c. aulSdly JOBS P. COOK. JOHN JJII.LOS.

JAS. J. LINPLCT, COOK, DILLON LIOTLEY, A TTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT LAW, Davenport, Iowa. Ofllce, In earoe buildlnswltU (Jook Sargent, "Wo practice in the Courts of Seott, Cedar. Clinton and MTuBcatlne counties, Iowa, and In the Courts of Hook Inland county, Illinois.

To our Collodion Department we devote especial carp. Wo olio act agents In negotiating loans, and will. give all business entrusted to us our beat attention. apldly TiEO. GUBL1CE.

J. W. STEWART. GtJELICH STEWART, A TTOKNBY8 COUNSELORS AT LAW, -tl- ASD NOTARIES PUBLIC. Conveyauchijf, Investigations of Titles, Payment of Taxes, Loaning and Investment of Money, and all other regular busiiiesd promptly attended to.

Office-- On Second street, in Atkintotfa Block, op- pgaUe tlie La Clair Row. eepidtf CHAKLBS K. PUTJVAJM, A TTOKNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC. Office-- Davenport's Block, room No. 6, corner of Mainand Second sti.



Vornon, Kebraska, Ty. T. A TTOEKEY AT LAV NOTARY PUBLIC, -ii Office--On Brady etreet above Second, over CarmichaoPs store. aplBdwtf P. CAJtIPBELL, pOUNTT SURVEYOR.

RESIDENCE Corner of Soutn-West Brady and Locust streela. Ofiico--In thd Court Houjie. All orders promptly at landed, angl4dfcwtf CORBUi A TTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT LAW, ASD NOTARIES PUBLIC. Office--At Uacfclot Corbln'a Exchange Office. moh2tf J.

WHiSOA GC1TKATJ, A TTORNET AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, XV AND CO2STErA2rCER. Partlcalr audprompt attention given to Convey- nucing. and tbe Collection of Debts. Alao--COMHISSIOSEB OF DEEDS for the States of Maine, Vermont, New Hampgjilre, Maeea- Tork, Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, KentncBj-, IlUnois, and Missouri. OiSce--Wlththo County Judgeat the CounEouca.

may3-ly W. H. F. GuKLST. JOBS H.

BOGERS. GURIiEY Si ROGERS, A TTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT LAW, A AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Office--HoU'man'9 ncvr Block, Main street between Front and Second. febtkltt J. B.

I.EAKt. t. ra T.KAKF. dp SHORKT, A TTORNETS COUNSELORS AT LAW, -Ci- AKD KOTABIES PUBLIC. Davenport's Block, comer of Second And atain GEORGE P.

A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Notary Public, and CommiBBioner of Deeds for New Hampshire, Vermont, New Tort, Pennsylvania and Ohio, Office--Korth-TTest corner of Main and Second streets. eepdtf Fitysiciaiis. DR. TH. J.


GOODRICH, A Brady itrefft, East side, third door below Third street. janlStf BOCT. I. LA5GER. FFICE IN 31ETRQPOL1IAS BLOCK.

C. SHJjULTON, BURGEON AND k3 Post-Offico "bolidiuga. Besidence--Brady between Twelfth and Thirteenth ata. ocgdtf J- IV- MeCORTSTKY FFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to tie citizens of Davenport and vicinity. Office and residence, Fourth street, second door of Brady.

Bcfcr to G.L. Davenport, J. TV. Cannon. gelgtf DOCT.

J. OjLSAtTSEZC, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR. A Ofllce-- Second street, opposite tho Pennsylvania norl7tf X.IXK. A. B.

PHTSICIASS OFFICE-JT On Brady the Pott Office. janlS HIS SERVICES IN THE TZCE OF itEDICGTE, in ail ita to the of Davenport nnd vicinity. over EU Bwt Brmdy Twefth streets, between Eleventh OR. tV. C.

COIJC. AVING co*kCL0DED TO RESUME THE practice of medicine in all of its departments, In conjunction ttitii tbat of sarggry, ana to inako parenport bit perraaccat nov his professional fcrrlcnio iu citizens aad tbo public generally. From aa experience of over twenty in active practice, be feels confident In giving loracb as nay favor him -w'ti their For ihc prrwnt be te foT3nd at the of llr. four above Perry, 40 Sc-cond Street, D. MYERS HAS REMOT- ED tin office Ttoiwtl Block, corarr of TbinJ PCITT DOCT.

It. D. MYERS, URGEON OFFICE ON SEC- OX1, Brady and Ferry fe26 JTA2EE5 MOBAOW, BURGEON MECHANICAL DEKTIST-- iohli std tic jmblic iri He rorthra HIP limt be caa aurf wiH jflre liac. in Dr. cfflcc for lie ibai lian of lie Dra- fccil to-domo irort of lie trtcn lie Ho frrin -ace "Scku: -mmr crunfort.

wl, I3mtfie Ir. TO 4fl -rnnnrr flow ilurt OliLT) CHEERTOLtT OFFER THEIR to "hn lit" rflfl fjrm, 7MT S. cn.Tln ornirifnjDfl' i fl arifl By TCST RECETvED ft FOR SALE CHEAP fltie nwortiumrt Wrttlup trf Ittln, PMTsranriw. Kxtraetn, tmiwi, Ortfl S. H.

STAUK, THE DAILY GAZETTE. Saturday 9IornliiK AGJBMTS FOR THE OJlILT, TR1-1TKKKLT AND TTKEKLT- New M. Pottcfi(flH 119 William B. Bliftttuck, NauiLti street. ClncinofttL--S.

1L 80 WealFuurtiiBtioot. Bt. E. Duaaorldge, K. Vf.

corner Olive and Main etroctft. Cblcago--J. J. Gallagher, No, 10 Masonic Temple. Tltft Daily Davenport Gazette, tho first, and until qultorecontly, the only paper in the State of Iowa printed on a Steam Tower and its circulation ths largest of any in tho State.

Advertisers appreciate tlicso advantages, as our amply testify. Notice. uotlccn cf tvcry description publiflhed in tbQ Daily and Weekly Guzelte, except brief an- iiouucdmentu of roHgluUa norvico, and noticed of marriages and deaths, will bo charged for. May 10th, 1358. A MATTERS.

THE Trustee's Sales occurring uow-a-days offer fina opportunities for speculation in real estate. TUB weather yesterday was delightful and nature seemed to smile in a newly washed face. THE filling up at the head'of Brady street, near 9th street, was severely washed by the heavy rain of evening before last. THE FUNERAL of Mrs. Mary Hartshorne Lea, late of this city, took place last Thursday, from the residence of.

her father, in Cincinnati. SUBSTANTIAL railings have been placed around the Brady street area of the Methodist Church--a good providence against accidents. FOR Gillett, at his Depot, Le Claire block, Second street, is already in receipt of Harper's Magazine for June. THOSE wanting pictures framed in any style can have the work neatly done by leaving orders at the new furniture store in Merwin's block. "We have been informed that the first meeting of the Board of School Directors of Davenport city, will convene at the Court House this morning at 9 o'clock.

FIREMEN'S acknowledge the politeness of complimentary tickets to the Firemen's Review Bail, to be given on the night of the 20th at the German Theatre. A large crowd is anticipated on this occasion. AMONG the visitors at the Burlis House last week was Prof. Gulielmo Gajani, of Rome a Italy. The last New contains an instructive article by this distinguished scholar and patriot, on "the True Powers of the Pope," OUR retail merchants didn't do a flourishing business yesterday, it was not because tbo ladies stayed, at liome.

never saw more crinolines on the streeLs. The bad weather has kept the ladies at home lately, but they were making up yesterday. HAKPEE'S MAGAZINE FOR is always up to the times and has received this excellent Magazine ahead of all others. Also he lias Ballon, Peterson and Lesslie's Monthly Part. AJSO, all the New York and Boston Weeklies that are due and New York Dailies of Wednesday.

Give him an early call. IF the Trustees of the Iowa College offer for sale the block bordering on Brady street, as we understand they intend doing, there will be an opportunity of securing some of the finest sites for residences in the city, and ornamented with beautiful forest trees. notice by the Rock Island Argus, that Father Donelan, of that city, arrived at New York, on the 10th and is now probably borne. He is accompanied by his mother, and his brother, the Rev. Jas.

Donelan. While in Europe Father Donelan wrote a number of letters for publication to the News of this city addressed to its then editor, Mr. Wilkie. SINGULAR morning as the steamer Pembinaw was backing out, her bawser caught, or was not fully untied was stretched to its utmost, then broke loose. The bight of the rope in its recoil struck an Irishman on the leg below the knee, and broke'U like a pipestem.

CAPS, old friend Henry Fearing, has purchased the fine slock of caps, furs, of C- W. Verder, which be in- teDds soon removing to Brady above tie Post Office, of which fact ottr citizens will be duly informed. We wish Harry success and if attention tobajiness aad on obliging disposition can secure it, we tlouljt not that he will be eminently successful. BOOTS Underlie of OTJ the second pace of to-day's paper, the reader -will find tho advertisem*nt of a Boot and Shoe Store. Though in fact a new establishment r-ei.

it is a full year oM, -during which time Mr, -J. C. Todd, the proprietor, has done a business, to the satisfaction of all who h-ire bad the sure of trading him. Call atid ei- his fl bod a body was found 3n thff riTTT. anrl iva5 out Albion Mills.

It to he tbe an Irisb teanjrr natned -was -drmrrjcd of Ins tbe 23d He in the employ of Mr. a 4 mill, find tal fan DfrmJT SJirriff nnd a ic a Tljcr in the took fl 1-n have tbcrr htmk, -ftmoovttcftA -a tutTfiiT. Both Drymty friend lot-o hold Vtft iTi, mt il. do. Finally the bttggy riti aijai UM, a va(, 10 near Ibe Clairo Jind the two "spilt mt" in ftbrTt rrdyr- We have had no concerts or other public entertain men la sumo little time.

We believe tho Plnlharmoutcs are preparing to bring out another Oratorio one of theeo'times: Their last concerts were a musical success whether a financial success or not. A The last number of the Chicago Christian IYmcs contains lengthy communication, from Mr. Asa Vrescott, well and favorably known to all of our old citissenB as a former resident of this place, giving his reasons for becoming Baptist. Mr. P.

was a member of tho Congregational clmrch and during the last five years has been one of its ministers. His reasons for the change are cogent but bv no means original. WISPIELD" PLOWISO The Urst annual Plowing Watch of tho society was hold at Long Grove on Friday the 7th ult. The Judges, Messrs. James Erinis, John Pollock and John Long, awarded tho as follows SENIOR First prize-- John Forse- Secoud-- HughBricdand, Third Thomas Greive.

oR CLASS. First prixe-WUliain Greive Second -William Johustone, $3. Third William Kotertrou, $2. The plows used were those of Messrs. W.

Skinner of Davonport, which are recommended by the Judges a3 being the best that have been introduced into this part of tho Countv. LATEST SODDISTO, -We neverisaw one-tenth part of the grass sodding done in Davenport one season that there has been Even many of the landlords have delighted their tenants by sodding the yards of the rented houses, while numbers who live dwellings of own have taken this means of beautifying their places. The changes produced in the appearance of some homesteads by this improvement, are really remarkable; There aro probably no premises which have not been really increased in intrinsic value very materially by this grass sodding, while it has much beautified the general appearance of the city. Tho warm rains have rcade this grass at once take root, and in every case it as much a healthy fixture as if it had sprung up on the soil. More altontion than usual is also being piiil to fiowerd and shrubbery, and we shall soon see tho benefit of this.

While we have a beautiful city, there are but few homes in it. Things look too much aa if they had been "rushed up," as indted they have, and as if people were merely stopping here. But flowers and shrubbery and green grass give that old home appearance, which mere bricks and mortar thus unaided can never present. XxxvrH I.NUTOX, May 13, Phillips of said that Messrs. Cavanaugh mid Phslps members from Minnesota, were present, aud moved that they bo sworn in.

The certificates of election were found to be signed by Samuel Medary, Governor of Minnesota, aud dated in December: Mr. Sherman objected to tho administration of the oath. It was known that the constitution of Minnesota provided for the election three members of Congress by general ticket, and ho desired to be informed where the credentials of the third inembor were. Mr. Phillips replied, saying these were the only credentials ho had seen.

Mr. Sherman said that by other provisions of tho Constitution of Minnesota, tlio tonu of Governor does not commence until after the State is admitted into the Union, and this-was the only mode by which the House could judge wbo is the executive officer of this State. Medary is not Qoverner of Minnesota, but Postmaster of Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Mason, of Virginia, offered a resolution that the certificates and credentials of these claiming election aa members from Minnesota bo referred to the Committee ou Elections, with instructions to inquire into tho report as to their right to be sworn as members, Mr.

Million's resolution was adoped as a substitute for Mr. Phillips' motion that the members be sworn, by a vote of ninety-one against eighty-four. Mr. Sherman moved a reconsideration of the vote, and to lay that, motion on tho table. Mr.

Harris, of Illinois, thought it better for the public business that the subject be examined by the committee on elections, who will immediately have a meeting. Sir. Florence, of said that if by general consent the members were sworn in, he would have no objection to the subject going before the committee. Mr. Hughes, of Indiana moved that the House adjourn.

Mr, Morgan, of New York, objected to noise on the Democratic side, while on the Republican side all was quiet. The Speaker espressseil the opinion that there was disorder on both sides, and called the House to order. Mr. Hughes' motion was voted down, and Mr. Sherman's agreed to by four majority.

The question recurred on agreeing to Mr. Phillips' motion, as amended by the adoption of Mr. Milson's substitute, and it was decided iu the affirmative, 118 against 83. Mr. Harris, of Illinois, from tho Committee on Elections, made a report on the Ohio contested election case, stating that four members of the committee were in favor of Mr.

Campbell's retaining, and four in favor of Riving the seat to the contestant, Mr. Yallin- dingham, and one recora men ding that the seat be declared vacant. Mr. Clark, of Missouri, made an adverse report upon the memorial of the people of Utah, asking the admission aa a State of the Union. The remainder of the day was devoted to the consideration of territorials business.

No bills passed the House. Adjourned. Cream Kooiiis on DOORH i RS, LEWIS TAKES THIS OPPORTU- XITYuf luformlriK hor und nil pur- flono who wish to bo favored with tho cholcont and moit dullcloua flavored ICE CREAM, that lic-r are now opened fur the rocoptlon of htdlus and Hho will bo nbltj iu nil ordurii by tho quantity for i i made to order, mylG-dtf liIST OF EMAINING IN THE POST OFFICE, AT Davenport town, on loth day of May, 1808. IVrwyim culling k-tterc will plvane Bfty they iiro udvurtUud, mid ulvo dutu of list. Ordered to bo in tho Daily Gazette," agreeably to tbu fulhuving B( fc ctioii of tho new OtUcc Law, the iivwapupcr liaviui; tho circulation of any paper published hrOavc Sec.

And be it further oimctcil, That of uncalled for ill any Post Oillcc In Ulante. ANTED--AOKXTS TO CANVASS FOR two tfow Bwktt, itut t.t Ite found In nny Ilonfe Apply noon ut UCInlro Row, or Cease. rOUSK TO VJiRV PLEASANT- 7" wlllm Huu-to, with about of lund. rrulttrj.y-.iitubk', Imnk of Um river, two i-H abwvi. thu city.

Sla I.M* four xl ally. auy city, town or vlllnue, whor* nowypaptr shall bo priuled, Bhall hereafter be publlBhcd once only to tho newfttmpor which, buhif; iBHuod wt A eklv of ofionor, flhall liavo tho uiroulatiun within the range of delivery of BJiid oitieo to bo docldod by the Post- iDiiBter at such A Vcir Law, passed March' 25. 1861. Anthony A Atkinson A Aniarino Jtin Alexander, iliui Adams It Hacker II Uuckwiilter Brown liurchurd Jno Baldwins ISrmier Briggs I BcdrllJ A BurlEO Jiick-Brown Mr AV Bunch Bailey Beiiuc-U A Bell'A Roulton Blucber tyrno Jno Behen Batclielder eon Bird Bray wood Bowlln BcohamJ Corastock Co Clnrku 1 Courier Curroy II Craw-lord Uev MrCurUs Cruder Cteary it Cuiit-r Cooper Miss Curtis 0 Olark Lucy Cooper Docamp A Dougherty 'PC A DWELLINGS, fll rooiliacil ch 1 cuthirrf, KOO.I wiitvr. and woll, Kent rwiaoiiablo.

Apply to T. C. POK FUIST CLASH "i'jRIOK -L Jlouao, In hrlck block, Rliili-y Also my roidtfMCG on HarrlKun street, und two room tuuofflQiiiii. tnaStf L. F- PAKKKU.

KENT--DWELLING Oft CORNER UK 1. Twelfth and Mitlu at root n--11! rooms--plead in lucalion. $33 pur month. DWELLING noar corneruf Fifth und Wealern AiMHiut)--u Price $23 pur munth. HLLIKG on tho corner of Fiuimni lots i barn.

$15 por month. JOS. LAMItKlTE. PU NJ3W TWO STOHY with 7 rooniH, wintry, QUweta nml cellar. Built very convenient and bemiltfully alumtcd in import--lino vlow of tho rlwr.

rcnuouablc. uire nt AV. Xlcholti' Millinery Emubllfthinout, I Hocond Bt, ONE OF THE liEST i ted offlcori In tlio city. Over Crampton's Store coniur Second nnd Brady Stri-olH. Jmil3tf 2 4 5 AM) ROOM TEN- KltANTSouMuin ami ilurrisoM ut low Bennett Boy ton Clark 3 3 Crafford OroiioT Co nelly Coboo Chaeo 2 CouttfS (T Corey Carey MJne CookTM Cullya CunnlnghaiuGW atiiadtf L-P, rAUEER.

Koafdonco Ilurrifluii street. henU of lOtb. I70UR 110USKS TO KENT-- SITUATED on tliu CluQ', Eitot of Ocjivrul Themj are entirely new aiul vor furnifthca with all modern linprmvmemit, Auply to COOK SAUQEXT. Duligny Mw Day Dowler Uarlson Ditlon Jno Draku .1 Dnntzer Draper Dolmugo Earl II Furl it Foater Frets A AKnrrell Mrs ,1 Flhi Jno Friend Kelly Furhar Day lavlu Duon itfBB Diftbrow Dcardon Vf Donah uu I II Mrs MJ F.irroll FenwioltW 2 Fnllur A The Key. Mr.

Fohvell will preach in the First Baptist Church to-morrow (Sunday) morning, at half past 10 o'clock- The public aro Invited to attend. Scats free, mylS-dlt IYER Steamer FASSY Galena. Steamer ili.r Coot, St, LouU. Steamer KITH CASSEL, Gray, Dnbuque- Dc parted. Sfay Nib, Steamer PEMHINAW, Griffitli a St.

Paul. Steamer BEX CAWPBSLL, Mycra, Montrasa. Steamer FASY KAHIIIS, Steamer EKVQT, ROTVO, St. Paul. DELTA BUKSEP--- The steamer Delta, laid np at Algiers, opposite burned to the edgo Monday evening- Sue was valued at fdtOOOy and OTCUcd at Cincinnati.

Tsc Thli river empties in the Ohio, between Evansvilleand Shawneetown. greater part of tho year it ia t( driedup," at least ao far as navigation IB concerned. Boring the spring season Immense quantities of produce come out of it by ateam and flatbed The of Wabaflh Valley proverblaL When we say the coil is nearly as rich as our own, we place it In tho proverbial Hat. Kailroads have cut off much of the busioe3 of tiio TVubajh, this season there aro bat comparatlraly few boats ran- ninp in the "Wabasli trade. We notice that a few days 050 this river -was Wghcr tban it Itao since ISM.

Tho low Innds (famouz for corn) aro submerged everywhere, and great loss mail accrue. It is now a bigger and deeper stream than iho.Ohlo generally daring the anaimcr time. KZT "WeST. This steamer -eras reccivinff froighti at Cioc last Thursday for Davenport and SLPaa' and Jsuow probably on ber way to this place. TBS Tho Tisbomingo la tho packet for ilontroac this morning, and the Kate Casael for Dcbnqne.

Both packets row leare every morniBg. Formerly the Montrone orKco*kut packet left ID evening. PLrjifiCtc The Katt Cassel will this city one day next week, perhapt with a party oa a pleittre to Sfao will have a flue baad on board, asd erery facility for a nice time generally. On this occasion tho faro will to only cue-ball the usual Teacbers' Examination. PHE EXAMINATION OF APPLICANTS -L for in iils county, trill the School corner of Sixtii mntl Warren on Friday xnd Satorday.

Xay 2Iet azid 22 iac 9 o'clock. A. JL, of cocb day from California. Oregon aud trtkl NEW YORK, May 12. The steamer Star of tbe West from Aspiu- wall, Way 4th, arrived this A.

M. She brirgs the California mail of tbe 20Lh April, and over er $1,500,000 in specie, and upwards of 200 passengers. Connected with tbe Golden Gate, She reports tbat thesloop-of-warVandalia arrived at Panama on tbe 25th from Callao. Business at San Francisco was extremely dull daring the fortnight, excepting for a few staple articles, including cut meats and lard. Mining and agricultural prospects unusually favorable, Forrest City, Sierra countg, was burned April 10.

Loss The California Legislature bad passed a Sunday law prohibitig any business on. the Sabbath, excepting hotels, restaurants, drug stores and stables. Archy, the fugitive slave boy, has been discharged by the U. S. Commissioner.

The colored citizens of San Francisco held a jubilee on the occasion. Nearly 18,000 ounces of gold were deposited in the San Francisco Branch mint during tho week ending April 10th. New rich gold diggins were discoved in Carson Valley. Tbe few remaining Mormons in that Valley were preparing to leave for Salt Lake. The Legislature had passed a bill prohibiting farther immigration of free negroes to California, and requiring those already there to register their names and take out a license.

There was great excitement among tbe negroes in consequence. They had held meetings and discussed the propriety of withdrawing from tbe State in a body to Vancouver's Island. Advices from Oregon to the 8th of April are received. The Republicans have nominated John Denney, of Marion county, for Governor; J. B.

McBride for Congress. The Democrats nominated Whitaker, for Governor, and Lafayette Grorer, for Congress. All in anticipation of soon becomiDg a State. From the Isthmus--The Cass Herran treaty has passed the Senate of Grenada, with some modifications. r- Methodist Conference YORK, May 12.

Gunther Hall Hnntor -J Holmes Uubbard Uawluy Mra I i A Highlcy 11 Hill Hornby Jno Unl! .1 King A KUmartin II Kinjf 15 Kc-nton Koppenheil! Kendall Lout; A Lovo rtj (J Linn Lord iTIfis A Ellen FieldB Gurchon Greone II IlaJI ,1 SALE OR KENT--STOKE ROOM ON Fourth alrcet, two doors vroat nf Kuck street, JACOB il. KUHUDQE, Xo. '23 street. UT-LOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE IN different loculittaa Jit li.inmln, by JACOB ELDKIDOE, A NICE LITTLE HOME, A NICE LITTLE -J T- houpe, in IL nlco llttlu with cholca eoiocLlon of jiicoIHtle tnuv bqwliefl, can be for small tmm of moncv. Tliorc In aUo on the Int 34x13 two old- woU Mini tho Knrdcu ia full of floweri.

Apply to J. li Jllchea on tho prurnlwp, nine a St, botwceu 7 i SALK-- A I 15 KICK on corner of Seventh Wefltorn Avcnuo-- 12 the city. Price, onc-fotirth down, butniico ou time. JOS. Grcc-ii Hngan .1 lleltman Hickmau .1 'i' Uubbard A Jlowt MM Iioiinc3 Iltnes it Hall Mrfl Hunter Miss Holcowb 2 Honlgbmnu Hcaton '2 Hayc-a if OOSK FOR A NJGW HOUSE with rouiiirf rusd tlvo closets.

"a goodalura cclhir, mid claiurn which will bold 2oo uleiutcof lOyoarrt, fur dale cheap, at ieen ilrst cost. Enquire of I BKO. Cor. Second JxCTlU'V .1 ICrtltrtr ,1 It 1 1' KcL'llT ICrier Kolloy SALJi-- A AND THE subscriber wlflhcs to sell hia dwelling liouso and In Chrifitio'ri Addition to Eftftt On Uiti Irtu good blrtckrtmith so by 20 It. und 12 ft, to ihe ftquurr-, Tho dwolliny houio In iwoalnry frnrrie, 18 by iiO ft.

with an 12 by 1G i -no atory. Good cnllnr, fltablo, wooti house, etc. Lot 75 by 150 fool- E. GLASBY On tnepreinlfica or KNOLISII AND A II Lear Jno Jno Lany ifra II Lorkin Mobcnl Miss It StltcCulIocli Moro A I'. Mara Mat hews Mnllaii ilosier I) Pcrroas lo be arc to hmve for moral of tic District or ciiy ia wlnci A.

3. KISSEU-, Co. Sup'; nf Com. Land in Arkansas and Mississippi TO Exchange for Iowa Property. THAVE FIVE HUNDRED AND THIRTY JL EIGHT acrm lapfl ia Polmnti in The Methodist Episcopal Conference to day passed resolutions, almost unanimously, declaring that tbe system of alaverr is at war with the Gospel of Christ, the rights of man, and the best interests of society for tbe extirpation of which all wise and prudent measures are to be employed, The discussion at tbe meeting of the American Tract Society was had till o'clock, when the motion for sustaining the ExectitiTe Committee report was adopted by a large majority, Tho old Executive Committee are reelected, with tbe expedition that Dr.

Dewiu takes the place of Dr. En ox, deceased. The receipts of Society for Ibe year were $387.000. Balance on band Judge Williams, of Connecticut, presided. I Tailoring OF BUSINESS.

J. DRAPER AND TAILOR, NO. .9 Block, EraJj room, I sun rr rt- "mror K. -fc. Enn3y rtn.

COAL AND co*kE, fttrified Cotd Tar FOB SALE. 3tciM.nrd AT Slacked Ctml, SUITABLE FOB FIRE Acd rflwri Tuy to Minnicl; JlcCIoskty iTullaly MclDtyre Moore McCullouah i Murray M. MeKulty -J MathuWfl MfcNftnglitJ 2 McFarlyn Jno. ilcOracken Mr iloCnllocfa Me Gallon all UeCnllotgh Mm McKenna A ilurphy Jno A McCarty McCall ifuhor M'Gowan MUa EtiMcCullongh 2 uiiil fur panic C1IA3.G. Xn.K Li: Olulru Uow Miller Murray Jno Morris Jno Matbewa MraMDMcOnc Jno.

Oaborn A 2 Ogden 2 O'Ccaoell Misa CO'Brien Jan Owens O'Soil McGlutnphuy Nye I O'StilUvanHlMW T. OweuB Miss LATE FIRM OF BUK.VKU,. OILLKTT fc Co. Ilrt- tolvcd by mutual consent. S.

S.GHlrU retired front Urm on tbo 2Sth dny of IS57, and 3. liurnell on thu 3d day of May. D. 158, Jokopb Ijimbritebas Rticcocdcd to tbu interest, and will BPttlfi nil JonmndH tho Urm, is alone authorized tu collect money duo tlio eaid firm. Bu- sines Trlli be bv and the name of J-ambrito.

STltO'J BUUNELL, -TOSEPH LA1IBUITK. May 3d, 1855. my5 LATE FIRM OF MOOUK GABRBTT. Boot nnd Sboe Deal- iathiBdny dlwolvcd by mutual All acconnty due cnn aettled with either party. U.

W. MOORE, H. OAKRETT, Daveuport, April 220, 1553. Tljo underaigned will conxliiue the at old stad. H.

GARRETT. Ogdcn O' Brier. 1' Price ilifts Pot tor Pope Ptt CM Jas fa*ge I Potter Pope Peirce Mra A Parcel MJ-H. Pelow Mary Parker 0r Perr- Parker Pool A Putnam Midi RPureell il Pooler Reed Mws Randall ICorebaugh Itcbeeon'Cr TV Koducy KamboJ II 2 Jao 2 Ritchio Parcel W.I Kobcaon Ketner Kvdcr 9 O-PARTNERSHIP TUB UN- taken Into partnership with him- Bcll in tho Drin tho Dry-Goods business, Mr. A P.

WilHann. of Aew York, and tho flrns will bareafter be. KLDKIDGE fc AVILL1ASIS. We mro now ing onr flrst arrivals of a InrRe of SPBISO and SCJCMBE DKT-GOODS. These goods were purcbaacd by Sir.

"Williams iu person, who bad lone experience at tbo and having been bought very low, they will bo sold correspondingly. J. M. ELDRIDGE. THE LATE FIRM OF Myers 4.

Morrisson, Burgeon Dentists in this da dlisolvedL It. D. ftCTEKk Feb. 20, 1S53. S.

A. MOURIS3ON. Simpson M. Seaadreti Shoemaker A. Sha.ri« A ghanly Mn Stafibrd Jno Stryter Smith .1 Spencer Stc-s-art Slater Sha-sr Mr." 1- Svlovcr 2 Slater Sargent Scotl Stopheoson Sabia B.

Singer I Slaiton M. 3 HE UNDERSIGNED WILL ATTEND TO up the of the latt firm, nnd continue the at iho old atund, Second between Brady and Perry. All persons who indebted please call and eettle. It. D.

M-YER9. Tracey A -loo Tbompvon JnwWTwero Thompson Mltf JTyTer Tilton I Toaer Tbmyerl Wearer A Womer A TinerJt Walnsslev Jno Williams Jno Smith Mrs il Sailih Sloan "WP Spioklor 2 Tbgmtwon TsyJor Tltompton TV 8 WalihP THE LATE FIRM OF TerbnneJtGront i dav dissolved by mu tnal consent. MARl'lX TEUHUNK. LoCIftlre.Jan. 1.1SS8.

ALFRED GROUT. UNDERSIGNED WILL ATTEND TO J- -windincup tbe of the late firm and eon- lect. J-oCImlro, Jan, J. ALFRED GROUT. Woodmau Jas WInfield Wallace Jno.

WllUzu Walker TVorTnad Webb E. Wfccrly Wauon Woodrr El i la-WWitcy aliw Waclter Walker a i Wood W.T Wbetltr A. F. MAST, MiT lUi, SHERMAN HAVLVG PURCHASED iho property formerly tuoirii fu XlckoIU' Block, In tfiiA cltj, has roonii for not )n lo let. For pfcrtltnUra Inqulromi room CO, FeunrvlTaniA Honif, SHKRMA.V, PCOT JV.

W. GU All ATI BOARD LODGING CAS BE for 12,50 ptr wwk, by al ifj. 143 ftlrwli btltrcta Scolt mod rni Avenue. WILLIAM TU FORWARDING MERCHANTS, THE FIRM OF ALISON dt McBRIPE of their MEDICINES lo And Wharf Boat Proprielors, Fmlrtrliild. Thonrbmrhig HIPPING AG5KTS OF THE ILLINOIS CK2CTHAL their Mock of OldvcUer prmcnl tbo par rrcoio lo UBLIC KOTICE-- IS HtHKKV GIVEN, HATES FOR in 51 a OTttm- i a C.J.

KOAX, co*ke, Kt A C-LtH K-t ImrrH 30 or 3''tfhTtii Tmr, Books I R. I I TRAVELS ATTICA Nwrtti Ri)d AU-icyi, Ty IV. Arrtlr Uin Tli" -of Smlli and (rf tlthltirtft OtS A M1LL1SZR TO HiuVE 7'irt if" 1 1' 57 ui wind 15. 3'ort Mj'l utid So 30 Ocm -of roth -f 'A- in of city of Catb Properly fennttr, To THKHK of DaveaporU A Mi fit fa 3-TF7C C'n3 WiiUi -f 'ttatts 1'f-ftto Kiifl i "lM- I 1 I I I 4 r) ft So. Front mSHES TO Wo fl.

H. PTAKTt. J. G. cf Woeden Pnnps ORTEBS LEFT WITH LEAKE A- A rvwtvt: uwi.

-I- O. SHOJlKy. I'm fr'sirn, 7t an 1 Beaton HOBW, f-oraer Third aBd Iowa 70 inn- frrr ro 120 Ale. xx STROM ALE, KSOX Jf I- tirr 1( ail yrwr jTi fa Kurn A A FOR SALE BT It CO. jVfOTICE-- AI-L NOTES ASD ACCOUNTS J.1 Oi.tottp* pa! a JK ilip titidi nil 'flnxi incrrj of UE MEETING THE fcl'OCK-HOLD- CHy MuTk-: brOctm an liir ITIKL, I 1, if iiMi M-ll Mn; A By J.AVTlKTTK, BVRTI Cm-firr of lovcn DR.

P- n. WOttMET. H. r'mMT irf TlH fl Jk. It-'f Seap Lard-WI Faclory C.


The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.