Boxplot and histogram in one plot (2024)

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Jakob Seifert on 6 May 2021

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Commented: RJ on 31 Jul 2021

Accepted Answer: Adam Danz


I think this question has been asked before:

How to overlay box plot with distribution histogram in the same graph - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central (

But I could not find any proper solution;

so is there a way to achieve something like this:

Boxplot and histogram in one plot (2)

I'm looking forward to hear your suggestions :)

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Sambit Supriya Dash on 6 May 2021

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Yes it is possible to get boxplot and histogram in one plot,


x = [1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9];

y = [5 4 3; 5 7 9; 1 9 3];



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hold off

Hope, it helps.

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Accepted Answer

Adam Danz on 7 May 2021

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Edited: Adam Danz on 7 May 2021

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This method uses patch objects to display histograms next to each boxplot. It's based on another answer that displays probability density distributions next to vertical scatter plots.

You only need to replace the x and y data and can copy-paste the rest of the code.


x : 1xn vector defining the x coordinate of n boxplots.

y : mxn matrix of raw data for n boxplots

rng('default') % for reproducibility

x = 0:5:30;

y = (randn(300, numel(x)) + linspace(.5,5,numel(x))) .* linspace(.5,2,numel(x));

Set spacing

binWidth = 0.4; % histogram bin widths

hgapGrp = .05; % horizontal gap between pairs of boxplot/histograms (normalized)

hgap = 0.2; % horizontal gap between boxplot and hist (normalized)

Compute histogram counts & edges

hcounts is an nx2 cell array containing the {counts, edges} for each distribution.

maxCount is the maximum bin count across all distributionts, used to normalize patch heights

hcounts = cell(size(y,2),2);

for i = 1:size(y,2)

[hcounts{i,1}, hcounts{i,2}] = histcounts(y(:,i),'BinWidth',binWidth);


maxCount = max([hcounts{:,1}]);

Plot boxplots

fig = figure();

ax = axes(fig);


xInterval = mean(diff(sort(x))); % x-interval (best if x is at a fixed interval)

normwidth = (1-hgapGrp-hgap)/2;

boxplotWidth = xInterval*normwidth;


Add vertical histograms (patches)

histX0 = x + boxplotWidth/2 + hgap; % histogram base

maxHeight = xInterval*normwidth; % max histogram height

for i = 1:size(y,2)

% Normalize heights

height = hcounts{i,1}/maxCount*maxHeight;

% Compute x and y coordinates

xm = [zeros(1,numel(height)); repelem(height,2,1); zeros(2,numel(height))] + histX0(i);

yidx = [0 0 1 1 0]' + (1:numel(height));

ym = hcounts{i,2}(yidx);

% Plot patches

patchHandles(i) = patch(xm(:),ym(:),[0 .75 1],'FaceAlpha',.4);


xlim([-2.5, 32.5])

Boxplot and histogram in one plot (5)

Method 2 with color control

With just a few changes to the code above, you can use boxplotGroup() from the file exchange to set up colors of boxplots and histogram similar to the example in your question.

%% Inputs

rng('default') % for reproducibility

x = 0:5:30;

y = (randn(300, numel(x)) + linspace(.5,5,numel(x))) .* linspace(.5,2,numel(x));

%% Set Spacing

binWidth = 0.4; % histogram bin widths

hgapGrp = .15; % horizontal gap between pairs of boxplot/histograms (normalized)

hgap = 0.06; % horizontal gap between boxplot and hist (normalized)

%% Compute histogram counts & edges

hcounts = cell(size(y,2),2);

for i = 1:size(y,2)

[hcounts{i,1}, hcounts{i,2}] = histcounts(y(:,i),'BinWidth',binWidth);


maxCount = max([hcounts{:,1}]);

%% Plot boxplotsGroup()

fig = figure();

ax = axes(fig);


% Convert y (mxn matrix) to 1xn cell array of mx1 vectors, required by boxplotWidths

yc = mat2cell(y,size(y,1),ones(1,size(y,2)));

xInterval = 1; %x-interval is always 1 with boxplot groups

normwidth = (1-hgapGrp-hgap)/2;

boxplotWidth = xInterval*normwidth;

% Define colors for each boxplot

colors = lines(size(y,2));

% Plot colored boxplots

bph = boxplotGroup(ax,yc,'Widths',boxplotWidth,'OutlierSize',3,'PrimaryLabels',compose('%d',x),'Colors',colors);

set(findobj(bph.boxplotGroup,'-property','LineWidth'), 'LineWidth', 1) % increase line widths

%% Add vertical histograms (patches) with matching colors

xCoordinate = 1:size(y,2); %x-positions is always 1:n with boxplot groups

histX0 = xCoordinate + boxplotWidth/2 + hgap; % histogram base

maxHeight = xInterval*normwidth; % max histogram height

patchHandles = gobjects(1,size(y,2));

for i = 1:size(y,2)

% Normalize heights

height = hcounts{i,1}/maxCount*maxHeight;

% Compute x and y coordinates

xm = [zeros(1,numel(height)); repelem(height,2,1); zeros(2,numel(height))] + histX0(i);

yidx = [0 0 1 1 0]' + (1:numel(height));

ym = hcounts{i,2}(yidx);

% Plot patches

patchHandles(i) = patch(xm(:),ym(:),colors(i,:),'EdgeColor',colors(i,:),'LineWidth',1,'FaceAlpha',.45);


Boxplot and histogram in one plot (6)


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Jakob Seifert on 7 May 2021

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This is insane, thank you very much.

Adam Danz on 7 May 2021

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Later I realized my boxplotGroup() function could be used to control the color so I added a 2nd version to my answer. The same could be achieved using boxchart but I haven't worked out those details.

RJ on 31 Jul 2021

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This seems great and exactly what I was looking for too.

I wondered if there is a way to do this with boxplot y vectors of different lengths or am I missing something? And to add x labels? Thanks!!

Adam Danz on 31 Jul 2021

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An easy workaround when using vectors of unequal length is to pad the shorter vectors with NaN values so all vecs are the same length and then you can combine them into a matrix. padarray may be helpful.

For labels, use text() function or labelpoints().

RJ on 31 Jul 2021

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Awesome thanks, I got it working with padcat.

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More Answers (1)

Scott MacKenzie on 6 May 2021

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Edited: Scott MacKenzie on 7 May 2021

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This solution uses tiledlayout and boxchart, but you can adjust to use subplot and boxplot if you are running an older version of MATLAB:

n = 7;

y = randn(100,n);

tiledlayout(1, 2*n);

for i=1:n



set(gca,'visible', 'off', 'ylim', [-4 4]);


histogram(y(:,i), 20, 'orientation', 'horizontal');

set(gca,'visible', 'off', 'ylim', [-4 4]);


f = gcf;

f.Color = 'w';

f.Units = 'normalized';

f.Position = [.1 .2 .8 .4];

Boxplot and histogram in one plot (13)


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Jakob Seifert on 6 May 2021

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Thank you for your answer, but this isn't what I am exactly looking for.

I want the y-axis to be the possible outputs for the boxplot, as well as the histogram. That is, I want the histogram to be rotated by 90° degrees. (look at the picture embedded in my original post)

Scott MacKenzie on 6 May 2021

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I just adjusted my answer so the histograms are horizontal. Is that what you are looking for?

Jakob Seifert on 7 May 2021

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Yes this looks much better! But as I understand it, you turned off the individual axes. I need two "overall" axes; meaning something like this:

But this soultions is already pretty good ! thank you

Scott MacKenzie on 7 May 2021

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Edited: Scott MacKenzie on 7 May 2021

You're right. My solution creates 14 plots in 14 axes, all of which are made invisible. To get exacly what you want, you'd need to add all the plots to a single axis or add axes to the parent tiledlayout or figure. I don't know if that's possible.

Adam Danz on 7 May 2021

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Edited: Adam Danz on 7 May 2021

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One more step: it's important to set ylim so that the extent of the histograms align with the extent of the boxplots/outliers. For example, in the 5th pair of axes the boxplot does not show any outliers at the top but the histogram extends beyond the upper cap. This is because of a difference in y-limits between the neighboring axes.

Boxplot and histogram in one plot (19)

Also, the ylim needs to match for all axes so that vertical differenced between columns of data are preserved.

For example, compare these two figures using the exact same data.

n = 7;

y = randn(100,n) .* [1:3:19];



Boxplot and histogram in one plot (20)


tiledlayout(1, 2*n);

for i=1:n



set(gca,'visible', 'off');


histogram(y(:,i), 20, 'orientation', 'horizontal');

set(gca,'visible', 'off');


f = gcf;

f.Color = 'w';

f.Units = 'normalized';

f.Position = [.1 .2 .8 .4];

Boxplot and histogram in one plot (21)

Scott MacKenzie on 7 May 2021

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Hey, good point. Thanks. I just adjusted my solution to prevent this -- by setting the y-axis limits.

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MATLABGraphicsFormatting and Annotation

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  • boxplot
  • histogram
  • statistics
  • marginal





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Boxplot and histogram in one plot (23)

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Boxplot and histogram in one plot (2024)


What is a combination histogram and box plot? ›

Adding a boxplot on top of a histogram can help you in better understanding the distribution of the data and visualizing outliers as well as quartiles positions.

What do boxplots show that histograms don t choose the best answer? ›

What are box plots? Histograms are great for showing what data ranges are most and least common, but they do not tell details like the range or the median. You can use box plots to present these values.

When should you choose a Boxplot over a histogram? ›

Histograms are particularly useful in determining the underlying probability distribution of a dataset, while box plots are more useful when comparing between multiple datasets. They are less detailed than histograms and take up less space.

What can you see in the histogram that you cannot see in the boxplot? ›

The box plot helps you see skewness, because the line for the median will not be near the center of the box if the data is skewed. The box plot helps identify the 25th and 75th percentiles better than the histogram, while the histogram helps you see the overall shape of your data better than the box plot.

How both the Boxplot and the histogram can indicate a skewed distribution? ›

The boxplot indicates a skewed distribution when there are outliers to only one side. The histogram indicates a skewed distribution when there are very small or very large observations on only one side of the​ distribution, far from the center. frequency of observations in a certain range.

What is a combination plot? ›

Combination charts are designed to visually highlight differences between sets of data and make it easy to see one set of information presented in relationship with other data. For instance, in the example below, the combination chart uses a bar chart and a line graph together.

What is the combination of box plot and density plot? ›

A violin plot is a hybrid of a box plot and a kernel density plot, which shows peaks in the data. It is used to visualize the distribution of numerical data. Unlike a box plot that can only show summary statistics, violin plots depict summary statistics and the density of each variable.

What is a double box plot? ›

A double box plot is two box and whisker plots on the same number line. They are used for comparisons of two different populations on the same subject. We can pull a lot of information out of a double box plot.

What is a disadvantage of using a Boxplot rather than a histogram? ›

Final answer: A boxplot does not provide information about the frequency or specific distribution shape of data values, unlike a histogram, which shows the frequency or relative frequency and reveals the distribution's shape, such as whether it is skewed or has multiple modes.

What are the disadvantages of using a histogram instead of a dot plot? ›

So, What's Wrong With the Histogram?
  • It depends (too much) on the number of bins. ...
  • It depends (too much) on variable's maximum and minimum. ...
  • It doesn't allow to detect relevant values. ...
  • It doesn't allow to discern continuous from discrete variables. ...
  • It makes it hard to compare distributions.
Jan 24, 2021

What can you not tell from a box plot? ›

On the downside, a box plot's simplicity also sets limitations on the density of data that it can show. With a box plot, we miss out on the ability to observe the detailed shape of distribution, such as if there are oddities in a distribution's modality (number of 'humps' or peaks) and skew.

How to match a box plot to a histogram? ›

Match the box plots and histograms together.

To identify matching data start by identifying tails (left or right) and symmetric type data. We can see, that A and 3 have right tails, and thus are both right skewed. So they are a match. C and 2 have left tails, and thus are both left skewed and so are a match.

What is the main advantage of Boxplots over histograms? ›

The main advantage of boxplots over stemplots and histograms is Boxplots make it easy to compare several distributions, as in this example. B) Here's the best way to solve it.

What is one reason one might choose a histogram over a boxplot? ›

D) A histogram can be used to approximate the range. What is not visible in a box plot are the data values. The box plot only shows the outlier, the 1 1 1st and 3 3 3rd quartiles, and the median.

How do you match a histogram? ›

To make the histograms match, we can interpolate the values from the source image (SkySat) into the range of the target image (Landsat), using a piecewise-linear function that puts the correct ratio of pixels into each bin.

How are box plots similar to histograms? ›

Just like histograms, box plots should only be used with continuous or discrete variables. Box plots are similar to histograms in that they both display the distribution of a variable, but box plots make it to more straightforward to identify the actual value of the minimum, Q1, median (Q2), Q3, and maximum.

Is it always possible to construct a corresponding box plot given a histogram? ›

Given a dot plot, it is always possible to construct a corresponding box plot. Given a histogram, it is always possible to construct a corresponding box plot.


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