3 Ways HR Professionals Can Use Google Analytics for Recruitment - Spiceworks (2024)

Google analytics is one of the most widely used marketing analytics platforms today, but did you know how analytics could be leveraged for recruitment? Here are 3 ways Google Analytics helps with recruitment

Human resource professionals are increasingly looking at Google Analytics as a technology that could help improve recruitment processes. At the first glance itself, several advantages stand out – one, as a free tool, Google Analytics requires little to no investment. Secondly, the platform is intuitive and easy to use, reducing the need for technical support. Google Analytics is also part of the larger GoogleOpens a new window ecosystem – making the switch from your everyday G Suite, almost seamless.

So, what exactly does analytics have to offer, in terms of insights and real ROI?

Analytics draws out underlying responses, reactions, and user behavior generated by each recruitment campaign. Employers could know exactly which element of the plan garnered most enthusiasm from job-seekers, and which initiatives were not so successful.

And it goes both ways – in addition to retrospective analysis, the patterns identified by Google Analytics could also power predictive insights. Hiring teams could use the tool to deep-dive into candidate needs, interest, and activities.

Google Analytics helps invest wisely in online real estate

Today, a typical enterprise uses several channels to advertise for an open position. From a variety of online job portals and digitally equipped third-party recruitment agencies, to the company’s own website, or even a separate careers app, employers can’t afford to leave any stone unturned.

However, the result is a complex matrix of information, responses, and often, duplicated results within which the candidate application path could easily get lost. And without visibility as to which channel wins, which is necessary, and which is absolutely redundant, firms could end up pouring dollars down the drain.

Google Analytics offers those key metrics that help recruiters find method in the madness. With a clear view of the most active source of applications, companies can better funnel their hiring efforts. What’s more, analytics platforms don’t just produce numbers – they help you narrow down traffic based on time, location, segment, and more.

In short, employers can validate if the right people are viewing the right posts, are interacting with the site, or if the traffic bouncing right back with minimal engagement.

This will help companies reimagine their job portals, for more effective recruitment scenarios.

Google Analytics ensures that Social Media usage is maximized

Social mediaOpens a new window is inching close to traditional job sites as the preferred medium for posting requisitions. The upside is clear – job-seekers get a one-on-one connect with organization or even the recruiter. Instead of going through an elaborate application process, he might share a link to his online CV. For a candidate, it reduces the confusion and uncertainty to a great extent.

A recruiter, on the other hand, is tasked with managing several social media handles, promptly responding to possible leads, following up on those who reach out informally, and doing this across four or more channels.

Is it worth it?

That’s exactly what Google Analytics is here to tell you.

Experts believe that personalized job posting isn’t just a piece of digital earth, it’s your organizational footprint, the face of your brand. “It’s the one piece of online real estate your company owns and controls. You are in charge of the experience and not just renting space. Because that’s exactly what is happening with employer review sites, social networks and job boards,” says Jessica Miller-Merrell from Workology.

Google Analytics accurately identifies platforms that are driving talent to the parent organization site. Hiring teams can use this data to decide which handles are relevant, and rethink their social media strategy accordingly.

Google Analytics could completely change your hiring approach

Google records a breadth of details every time a user visits a page and using Google Analytics, the data appears right at hand condensed into bite-size, actionable chunks. This also includes the browser commonly used for access, and the most popular device.

For a tech product company, millennial job-seekers might be logging into company pages via mobile. In that case, employers need to redesign the interface for a mobile-first user experience. Further, stats such as ‘time on site’ show what pages enjoyed most traction – enabling insights into successful job post visualizations.

Also Read:

Top 10 Recruitment Analytics Tools for 2020Opens a new window

Data analytics can reveal a host of factors that motivate candidate activity online. That’s why larger companies have started employing dedicated data scientists to evaluate hiring data. For small and medium businesses also, the technology is not outside the ambit.

Tools like Google Analytics are democratizing how recruitment information is leveraged, empowering even start-ups with the power of data.

3 Ways HR Professionals Can Use Google Analytics for Recruitment - Spiceworks (2024)


How to use Google analytics for recruitment? ›

All you need to build a Talent Community, on one platform.
  1. Sourcing channels analytics. All metrics, from all sourcing channels, in one interface.
  2. Career pages analytics. Track candidate behavior on all your career pages.
  3. ATS data tracking. Connect SmartDreamers with your ATS to track soucing channels' ROI with precision.

How HR analytics can help in recruitment? ›

HR analytics can significantly boost recruitment efficiency by providing insights into key aspects of the recruitment process. This includes identifying the best sources of talent, predicting future hiring needs, reducing time-to-hire and cost-per-hire, and streamlining the recruitment process.

How Google is using HR analytics? ›

Google's people analytics team developed a mathematical algorithm to proactively and successfully predict which employees are most likely to become a retention problem. This approach allows management to act before it's too late and it further allows retention solutions to be personalized.

What is the role of HR analytics in human resource management? ›

That's where HR analytics comes in – transforming data into insights for resolving workforce and business challenges. HR analytics allows HR professionals to make informed decisions and create strategies that will benefit employees and support organizational goals.

How do I use Google for recruiting? ›

Use Boolean search operators such as "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your search results and find the most relevant resumes. Use job titles and industry-specific keywords: Use specific job titles and industry-specific keywords to find resumes of potential candidates who have the exact experience and skills you need.

What recruitment methods does Google use? ›

Google's Hiring Process
  • Self-Reflection. Google doesn't believe in hiring talent based on their skills. ...
  • Job Searching. ...
  • Your Resume. ...
  • Apply Online. ...
  • Interviews. ...
  • Decision and Offer.
Jun 6, 2023

What are the three most important recruitment analytics? ›

Hiring managers, HRs, and recruiters need to consider three stages of recruitment analytics, which are operational reporting, advanced reporting and predictive analytics.

How HR analytics can help to increase employee engagement? ›

HR analytics helps in understanding and measuring employee engagement, which is closely tied to well-being. Surveys, feedback, and productivity metrics can be analyzed to assess overall engagement levels and identify areas for improvement. Understanding how work patterns affect employee well-being is crucial.

How can HR analytics help in developing an HR plan? ›

Benefits of HR Analytics
  1. Data-Driven Decision Making. HR analytics empowers organizations to make informed decisions based on data rather than gut feelings. ...
  2. Talent Acquisition and Retention. ...
  3. Optimizing Employee Performance. ...
  4. Workforce Planning and Succession Management. ...
  5. Employee Engagement and Satisfaction. ...
  6. Cost Optimization.
Dec 13, 2023

What is Google's HR strategy? ›

Google recognized that traditional HR practices were failing to keep pace with the evolving demands of a rapidly changing workforce. To address this, the company implemented a new approach that placed greater emphasis on data-driven decision-making and employee empowerment.

Why Google has best HR practices? ›

Google's human resource management practices cover effective employee training programs, as well as performance management to maximize human resource capabilities. Google's Performance Management Practices Employee Training at Google Google's HRM: A Look at the Tech Giant's Strategy, Policies and Practices.

How to use Google Analytics effectively? ›

7 Google Analytics Tips for Better Tracking
  1. Set Up Your Views Correctly. This step is fundamental to using Google Analytics effectively. ...
  2. Make Use of Filters. ...
  3. Set Goals. ...
  4. Use UTMs (And Keep them Organized) ...
  5. Create Custom Audience Segments. ...
  6. Set Up Funnels. ...
  7. Link Your Google Ads Account.

What are the four types of HR analytics? ›

There are 4 types of HR analytics methods that HR professionals can use, namely, descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics.

How does people analytics help HR? ›

You can use people analytics to gain insights on: Enhancing employee morale: By measuring what drives engagement and adapting practices to boost employee morale. Improving retention: By identifying groups with high attrition and tailoring incentives to curb attrition.

How to use predictive analytics in recruitment? ›

In recruitment, the use of predictive analytics is a process that starts by collecting basic data, such as applicant resumes, job performance metrics, and hiring outcomes. This data is then analyzed to identify patterns and trends. Next, these insights are used to create models that predict outcomes.

How do I give Google Analytics access to my agency? ›

Sign in to Google Analytics. Click Admin, and navigate to the desired account/property/view. In the Account, Property, or View column (depending upon whether you want to add users at the account, property, or view level), click Access Management. In the Account permissions list, click +, then click Add users.

How do I use Boolean search in Google for recruiters? ›

To use Boolean search in Google for recruiting purposes, combine keywords, job titles, skills, and locations with Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) in your search query. This helps you find relevant candidate profiles, resumes, or portfolios.

What is Google search in recruitment? ›

Google X-Ray is popular in recruitment, with Boolean search being a powerful tool for effective candidate sourcing. By putting together specific words and phrases, you can narrow down your search to a limited number of results and spot candidates with the preferable qualifications and skills.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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